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  1. S

    Best finish for exposed pine floorboards?

    that's interesting about going cross grain with the boards, i'll try and remember that, thanks.
  2. S

    Oak / Danish oil to dark am i STUFFED

    this happens at work all the time, just buzz it off with a good orbital and/or pointed nosed sander, 120 grit should do it, it'll take a little while and be messy, but you'll get back to unoiled wood fairly quickly, the skill is staying even with it. good luck.
  3. S

    Advice need for finishing pine

    as you've applied the oil you have in effect sealed the timber so without stripping it your options are limited, one way to push it darker would be to apply a coat of tinted oil, by tinted i mean mixing a white spirit based wood dye with the oil, probably quit a bit of it, and wiping it off...
  4. S

    shifting the yellow hue in pirana pine

    found my answer after much searching, a very thin coat of violet will push yellow towards a brown direction. :)
  5. S

    shifting the yellow hue in pirana pine

    my client has yellow pinefurniture and wants the color to move towards a medium oak colour, not orangey medium oak but more beige/light brown cast. My feeling is a faint blue may do the job, i've used green quite a bit in taking red to brown but never used a blue to change colour hues. I'm...
  6. S

    Best finish for exposed pine floorboards?

    i'd personally steer clear of shellac for a floor finish, i realise it comes in many mixtures but you'll be recoating again in no time. I can only say i've used a water based product called Enduro from Morrells with good results, it was a simple double application to sanded oak so no...
  7. S

    French polishing

    I used to think that too, i couldn't imagine how you'd tackle a chair or a stair spindle etc, it usually led to employing the squirrel hair brush or similar, or dare I say it even an initial thin spray coat of french polish, anything to get that initial 'key' coat is a bonus on turned or...