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  1. Sheffield Tony

    Child's toolbox design - wood movement

    Awkward one, the tool tote. The usual way to allow for movement is to nail it together. This was my work around: The uprights and the ends join by a singe huge, 2D dovetail. Just tapped together, so the handle is removable. It is a bit heavy though. Mine was for carrying axes etc, so that...
  2. Sheffield Tony

    Multi-lane roundabouts

    It seems to me some roundabouts are designed better than others. I live not far from Milton Keynes, so know what I'm talking about where roundabouts are concerned :lol: Some have lanes that spiral outwards so if you are in the right lane on approach, everything else just follows - just...
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Drawknife marked Tribe

    A picture of the whole tool might allow a guess of country- French, English and American have different styles, usually. A non-destructive way of making stamped text clearer is to rub in chalk dust - it works well on wooden planes.
  4. Sheffield Tony

    Where I've been

    Really sorry to hear of such difficult health problems. I don't really know what to say that doesn't sound woefully inadequate, but wishing you well - and thanks for the reminder not to take tomorrow for granted.
  5. Sheffield Tony

    getting solder with lead in it

    It is probably time to move on from leaded solder; it is still widely available and can be used in some applications but for most things, unleaded will do. If you are struggling, you might have more joy with a solder composition like 97.1, 2.6, 0.3 Sn, Ag, Cu, which is a eutectic alloy with a...
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Ashley Iles Butt Chisels - Quality Issue?

    Henry Taylor bought Hamlet Craft tools not all that long ago. As well as turning tools - some sporting the Diamic badge of Henry Taylor, there are still mortice chisels and bench chisels made/sold under the Hamlet brand. Both share the same contact address on Livesey Street, Sheffield . Crown...
  7. Sheffield Tony

    Togo woodturning chisels

    We pole lathe turners quite like carbon steel ones though, as they are easier to keep keen by hand with just a stone, and green wood is relatively gentle on the tools. And happily, we can buy up the old ones the power turners don't want :D
  8. Sheffield Tony

    Togo woodturning chisels

    Are you sure it isn't Toga ? Sheffield maker.
  9. Sheffield Tony

    Ashley Iles Butt Chisels - Quality Issue?

    I don't have experience of AI, but these remaining traditional manufacturers are usually pretty good if you give them a ring. I had some Crown chisels of which I didn't like 2 - one had a hairline crack, the other the face had quite a belly on it - they swapped them for 'good uns' with no...
  10. Sheffield Tony

    Sapele,Cedar, Iroko..

    Bit late to worry about either, I fear.
  11. Sheffield Tony

    Sapele,Cedar, Iroko..

    Ahh. Why is it that necessary to reformulate (==cock up) any decent product these days ?
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Sapele,Cedar, Iroko..

    I made my front door from Iroko, glued with Extramite - a Cascamite clone. No special preparation. Must be at least 18 years old, and still in one piece. Perhaps I'm lucky. It does really fade in the sun though. Even with the Osmo sun block stuff.
  13. Sheffield Tony


    I don't know if I'm being naive (?), but I've always assumed HiFi loudspeaker design involves some maths, several iterations of prototype and tweaking, a lot of expensive test gear and some good ears. They do appear deceptively simple, a rectangular box with 2 or 3 drivers in the front and an...
  14. Sheffield Tony

    Space X

    The capsule interior images are something quite different to memories of old though, aren't they ? The old days of Apollo or even the shuttle it was a scene of olive drab and chromed toggle switches. Now touch screens, posh chairs and sleek(ish) spacesuits. It does all look more like the...
  15. Sheffield Tony

    question for kitchen fitters

    Find the make of the majority of the fittings and change the odd ones to match, at least within one run. Use larger tiles so the faceplates aren't slipping into the grout lines, and it doesn't look so fussy. Do your best with whatever adjustment is available on the screws. Then use the spare...
  16. Sheffield Tony

    Space X

    Science, curiosity. What makes humans worth their space, rather than dirty moneygrabbing capitalism. Having made a right mess of our environment on Earth, we should not extend our sane destructive habits into space. Well done to the excellent set of engineers Mr Musk has managed to assemble.
  17. Sheffield Tony

    Heat treating an old chisel

    Thin oil is best. Cooking oil is better (an less smelly) than engine oil. Never have your quenching oil in a plastic pot. DAMHIKT. I switched ot a MAPP gas torch because the regular plumbing sort of blowlamp don't really get anything large hot enough. A torch in each hand is sometimes...
  18. Sheffield Tony

    Raised planters / bed - longterm effects of soil on wood

    I guess they became popular on those makeover shows because they were often working on a newish garden left by builders with a thin skin of topsoil over rubble etc. But they have become far too popular. There are AFAIK 3 good reasons for raised beds - terrible soil that can't be improved...
  19. Sheffield Tony

    Breadbin, hand tools wip

    Are bread bins allowed to visit second homes then :lol:
  20. Sheffield Tony

    Breadbin, hand tools wip

    Yes indeed, very nice and beautifully photographed. But - you had me thinking I was going mad for a moment here - no, I was right, what happened to this one you you made earlier ?