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  1. Sheffield Tony

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    That sounds like a good argument, but when you add insulation your furniture might not fit anymore ! A bedroom shorter than a bed is not much use.
  2. Sheffield Tony

    Cabinet scrapers?

    I can sort of agree that scrapers are not expensive, so economically it makes little sense. But it isn't that difficult - a good hacksaw and file will do it - and you can have exactly the shape and size you want. Using an old saw might give you problems with pitting, but a recent but worn out...
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Carving chisel set advice

    Having a close look at them, although the handles are different, the steel parts closely resemble a set I was given, but mine were branded Silverline. If I need continue ... I also have some old gouges by Marples and Addis. They are very different. Long, slender, light and keep a good...
  4. Sheffield Tony

    USB ???

    Like most modern electronics, they are always on and cheap ones are more likely to catch fire. But apart from that I suppose they are convenient.
  5. Sheffield Tony

    I am a pedant.

    Someone mentioned Poldark earlier. That scything. The notable thing for many viewers may have been the lack of a shirt, but for anyone who has ever wielded a scythe, the thought was "What on earth is he doing ??!". Contrast the 2012 film Anna Karenina, which used extras recruited at a scythe...
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Bread bin wip

    I really like the use of the old iron :D That paring gouge must be pretty flexible to be able to do that with an in cannel gouge. Good result though. Regarding the handles / finger recess, bearing in mind that you need to be able to lift the flap and pull it forward, I wonder if your...
  7. Sheffield Tony

    Odd auger type bit

    It is, as already commented, not the usual pattern of dowel rounder, which usually has a vaguely cup shaped or conical end. I'm considering the outside of it, and thinking that it looks like someone designed it quite carefully to have a cylindrical shape with nothing sticking out - the cutter...
  8. Sheffield Tony

    corner joint

    I've seen the finger joint used, but not dovetails. I guess that it doesn't avoid the failure in Pete's photo, where the leg has broken. On greenwood chairs which are to have a woven seat, the seat rails have round turned tenons going into bored holes in the leg. The holes have to be bored...
  9. Sheffield Tony

    corner joint

    There are quite a few options where the ends of tenons meet inside a leg. If there's enough material you can just let them meet in a mitre. Or there is as in your top picture, or you can go one step further and make one a twin tenon and one a single - or in the extreme make the tenon ends meet...
  10. Sheffield Tony

    How to make your own wooden sash cramps

    Quite appealing designs. I suspect they might be nicer to use than the clumsy metal ones I have, and it would be nice not to have to worry about leaving black stains when gluening up oak panels. I like the type in the photos; with the wooden threaded clamp and the notched bar. Hmm. I have a...
  11. Sheffield Tony

    wooden counter balance wine bottle holder

    Great ! It does look kind of improbable doesn't it, how that balances. With the crescent shape it looks like it should find its balance, the flat board looks like it shouldn't be standing - which I like. Does it work with different bottles ?
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Timber choice for seat

    Please do ! I'll look forward to it.
  13. Sheffield Tony

    My first wood project box is showing gaps between the joins

    +1. Glueing or screwing things things more tightly, and acclimatising wood will not get you out of trouble. The wood panels will move; at their widest they have forced the frame joints apart, now having shrunk there are gaps. Making the strips of the panels tongue and grooved together with a...
  14. Sheffield Tony

    Value range Products- Why so Terrible packaging for them?

    =D> I know a little of the food industry. One representative explained to us that it was his job to sell as much air and water as he could get away with. But was it Jimmy's farm on TV that illustrated this, for example with the production of premium ham and economy ham. It is comparable to...
  15. Sheffield Tony

    wooden counter balance wine bottle holder

    I cut the hole for this one with a holesaw. I thought it was 32mm, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. I used a cordless drill, but I drilled a pilot hole all way through first, then replaced the pilot drill in the holesaw with a bit of plain rod. Makes getting the alignment easier. The angle...
  16. Sheffield Tony

    Knowledge of members needed

    If it helps, what you have is a 2 man crosscut saw with a great American tooth pattern. A little less common than the simpler farmer's saws without the big gullets, but much more common than interesting felling saws. I would guess the price on ebay depends on whether someone near you wants...
  17. Sheffield Tony

    Timber choice for seat

    Sorry, I was going to reply to this yesterday but got distracted. But it looks like the traditional choice is well covered - ash for the spindles because it rives easily, elm for the seat because it doesn't ! Having said that at 2" thick I think quite a few choices will be strong enough for a...
  18. Sheffield Tony

    Chairmaker's spoon bits

    I've just spotted a useful picture in this earlier thread. I have examples of all these styles, except what is labelled there as a spoon bit. I suspect those all ended up ground down to a shell bit over time. Again though, it looks to me like these patterns are not very substantial for...
  19. Sheffield Tony

    Chairmaker's spoon bits

    In another thread, AndyT mentioned chairmaker's spoon bits, in the context of boring clean holes at an angle into chair legs. I had tried an auger, which was too aggressive, so gave up and used a forstner in a cordless drill. These bits used to be made in Sheffield by Clico, who are now sadly...
  20. Sheffield Tony

    WIP: a Smoker's bow

    Thanks folks. I am very much looking forward to seeing how the walnut looks with oil. This is where I usually rush the finishing and regret it. I was planning to use Danish oil, then homebrewed beeswax polish (FIL is a beekeper). Although the walnut I've played with before takes a nicer deep...