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  1. Sheffield Tony

    Marples Beech, Brass & Ebony Brace

    There was a little about "period hardware" (read old woodscrews and nails) in the 2016 Mortice & Tenon. Deeper, finer threads and thinner slots on mid 19th C screws apparently, at least in the USA.
  2. Sheffield Tony

    Soldering Woes

    Who the heck are Mudder ? Ahh, "SOUNDASIA (CHINA) TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED" I love the warning on this picture from the Amazon site. Like really, I have always sought out genuine "Mudder" products and would be shocked to be offered a fake. I usually prefer Multicore (Loctite).
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Tenon Saw Advice

    I used a similar method when I made our front door. Except I only had a workmate then, so there was a lot of wobble. The coarser teeth of a handsaw suit the thickness of the cut better, and don't get so chocked up with sawdust. I have the apron, and at one time had almost the beard. Went...
  4. Sheffield Tony

    American Black Walnut Smokers Bow.

    Excellent. Thanks for posting the pictures. The carving looks good to me; the only letter carving I've done was a clock, and I chose Roman numerals to avoid the curved bits :oops: What will you do with the spare chair now ? Workshop chair ?
  5. Sheffield Tony

    American black Walnut chair

    I've been away so couldn't comment earlier, but as far as finish goes I'd be pretty pleased with that and leave well alone ! Good to see some more chairmaking on here. Merlin, you obviously work to a very high standard, can I be cheeky and plead with you to share some photos as you go along...
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Soldering Woes

    Even a decent Weller iron tip is hard to tin if it has oxidised. One of those little tins with a solid blend of solder powder and flux is good here, as is the bit cleaner made of brass swarf in a tin (or probably the pan scourer as above). Filing carries the danger fo removing the iron...
  7. Sheffield Tony

    Mystery plane

    Looking at the last photo of the OP's plane, my first thought was "user modified sidebead". But (a) why is it left handed and (b) why is the body so wide given the width of the cutter ?
  8. Sheffield Tony

    How to Remove greasy marks on hardwood

    Sugar soap could be an option. The main cleaning agent in it is an alkali for degreasing. A paste of Bicarbonate of soda and water similarly might help if applied, left for a couple of minutes and washed off - as they say, "test on an inconspicuous area first" !
  9. Sheffield Tony

    Constructing your project square

    I think a bit more detail about the methods of joinery might make it easier to pass helpful comment, but as a starter, making sure the timber is square and not twisted is the first thing; even if your joints are perfect wonky timber will muck you up. I say this since you mention CLS, which I'm...
  10. Sheffield Tony

    Closely Set Cap Iron

    Amazing isn't it. I'm a bit younger than Phil, but in err, about 1980, on the fringes of Sheffield in a normal big comprehensive school woodwork class, with a teacher who hadn't to the best of my knowledge trained anywhere remarkable, we learned: How to set the cap iron to reduce tearout. How...
  11. Sheffield Tony

    Ishitani Style Stool

    Some nice character showing on that seat with the oil. Well done. Thanks for having the courage to share your progress !
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Cherry bowl

    I like the way you've got the heartwood running through the handles. How big is it ? 5" across the width ? It always seems a pity to me that with smaller pieces of wood, you usually can't help hollowing away the best of the heartwood and keeping the sapwood. My experience of wet cherry is that...
  13. Sheffield Tony

    Spokeshave Recommendation

    I have dabbled with wooden spokeshaves. Can you (or any other enthusiasts) share, here or in its own thread, any advice on reconditioning and using them ? My main query is how is the iron supposed to stay set at the correct depth. I suspect mine have the tangs or holes they sit in too worn so...
  14. Sheffield Tony

    The Rise of the Plain Chisels

    You could also look at the videos here: I would have thought that this is as near to the traditional process as you'll witness these days.
  15. Sheffield Tony

    Mortice and Tenon Magazine

    Classic Hand Tools is the only place to go. £21.75 + £3.95 P&P (unless part of a bigger a spending spree !)
  16. Sheffield Tony

    What is it?

    They do tend to make you feel rather lightheaded, the combination of interfering with your breathing pattern and causing you to gasp in fumes between blows.
  17. Sheffield Tony

    Ishitani Style Stool

    For the next time, I have one tip. Align your wedges so that they are oriented crosswise relative to the grain of the component with the mortice. So the stretcher wedges should normally be horizontal, not vertical. This reduces the chance of splitting the leg as the tenon is spread by the...
  18. Sheffield Tony

    Good Woodworking Magazine - What the....

    Martin, you do a better job of selling the magazine than they do ! I am not a professional woodworker, just a dabbler, and the title Woodworking Crafts appealed to me enough to Google it. Its a shame their own description wasn't more enticing. There can't be many of us who've had a go at...
  19. Sheffield Tony

    blade stiffeners - Record Stay Set vs MF two-part lever cap

    Probably. Mind you, it seems it was worthwhile to forge weld a small piece of good carbon steel onto a longer piece of average steel to make a single iron, which would be the expensive way to do it now.
  20. Sheffield Tony

    Good Woodworking Magazine - What the....

    Hmm. Floral wheelbarrow. Pallet wood garden table. Editor helps us use sandpaper. Now I remember why I ordered Mortice and Tenon.