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  1. Sheffield Tony

    Tree bowl

    Gosh, that is rather nice. Was the turning done green, judging by the slight wave on the rim ? I'm going to steal that idea.
  2. Sheffield Tony

    Old pen plotter

    Damn. I threw two of these away, a Roland one, and another HPGL driven type that was much better built. Both worked perfectly, but I decided I had had enough of making PCBs with wet chemistry. I think getting the pens might be a challenge now !
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Cracked Tiger 2000 wheel

    My Scheppach Tiger 2000 wheel seems to have a radial crack in it. I suspect the shaft and fixing nut corroding is responsible. For the time being, it is still in one piece so just about usable, this being a slow wheel. What to replace it with ? It is 200mm dia, 12mm bore, and 40mm wide. So...
  4. Sheffield Tony

    End grain table top problem

    Cheers Phil. I knew I must be missing something !
  5. Sheffield Tony

    End grain table top problem

    If my experience of making an end grain chopping board is anything to go by, I'd rethink. The end grain soaks up any moisture, the wet bit swells, and opens cracks at the edges. And if the same side is always up, it cups too. I guess a butcher's block must be quite substantial, and heavily...
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    I'll revert to my original suggestion then; if you prefer to deal with an honest bloke who will do his best to help you out, you could do worse than ring Ray Iles.
  7. Sheffield Tony

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    It makes it harder for you not wanting to use auction sites. You can take your pick of buy-it-now lever caps for £6-£8 on Ebay.
  8. Sheffield Tony

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    Ray Iles ?
  9. Sheffield Tony

    Rubbish Joinery

    We have some oak furniture, bought from a local "garden centre" before OFL was well known, but of a very similar sort. I asked about where it came from. Imported from the far east, bought by the mixed container load. Made from reclaimed wood, which originated from Europe. Our stuff is not...
  10. Sheffield Tony

    Building / Planning Query

    I'd be very surprised if the planners will be interested. They usually remind you that you have no right to a view beyond the boundary of your property, and tell you you're not "materially affected". And at 7.8m, by modern standards you could fit a whole extra house in that gap ! You have my...
  11. Sheffield Tony

    Rubbish Joinery

    Is that just for woodwork, or in general ? I don't think that would leave a lot of consumer electronics available !
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Rubbish Joinery

    When anyone posts up a project on an internet forum, they ought to be prepared to receive some constructive criticism, query about their design choices etc. I am happy to take on board constructive criticism of my particular brand of "handmade tut". But saying someones work is "shi.te" is not...
  13. Sheffield Tony

    Gumtree tool haul

    This doesn't look like a lot that came from a single tradesman ... Is that a garden spraying syringe I see ? The long brass thing with the red handle ? But yes, there is a slater's hammer in there too.
  14. Sheffield Tony

    Gumtree tool haul

    Hmm. Metalwork, I would say. I think you have a bossing mallet and two planishing hammers. I used both these tools for copper beating in school metalwork classes. The bossing mallet for beating a hollow shape, used against a hollowed wooden block or sand filled leather cushion. This was...
  15. Sheffield Tony

    Tools For Self Reliance

    I've used Tools for self reliance, but to buy tools that aren't wanted in Africa. Every year they are at the Bodgers Ball with a collection of old hand tools that are of more interest to the likes of us than to the rural African tradesman ! Bought gouges and chisels, Arkansas slipstone set...
  16. Sheffield Tony

    This bolt is driving me nuts

    4/ Use the tool made for the job, if you can get access. For reworking a standard bolt to fit, I have made "specials" from a standard bolt without a lathe by clamping it in a pillar drill and applying a file and a lot of patience. The trick of winding copper wire round the threads of the bolt...
  17. Sheffield Tony

    Burnishing wood

    We pole lathe turners quite often burnish by grabbing a handful of shavings and applying it to the rotating workpiece. On partly dried wood, you can get a nice silky smooth feel with just the tools and burnishing, sanding is not that good on wet wood. I wouldn't expect it to afford water...
  18. Sheffield Tony

    Have any of you made your own front doors?

    I made ours, because I wanted a wooden one which was double glazed. Thankfully for me, I did it before it fell under the auspices of building control ! I think I mostly met the requirements of part Q anyway - amongst other things it specifies the density of wood, maximum width and minimum...
  19. Sheffield Tony

    Broad Axe recommendations

    I had my eye on a very nice Ward & Payne bearded side axe on the Timless Tools site, but at £195 it was more than it was worth to me - someone else obviouly thought otherwise. Hopefully it went to someone who would make more use of it than me.
  20. Sheffield Tony

    Broad Axe recommendations

    I'm assuming the OP is looking for a large side axe, which are usually harder to find.