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  1. Sheffield Tony

    Which new TV?

    Not all TVs are smart TVs. Not all smart TVs run Android, some of the cheaper ones use their manufacturer's proprietary OS, which may limit what apps are available. We replaced out Sony non-smart TV with a smart TV to be free of Firesticks and other clutter hanging out the back. The new Sony...
  2. Sheffield Tony

    Which new TV?

    Don't rely on spec or instinct, but go and look at them. And don't just look at the 4k demo material, see how they look with Freeview or whatever source is nearest to how you will use it. If you watch sport a lot, look for something with a lot of movement - things like football or F1 where...
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Plumbing question

    It is easier to learn to plumb, than it is to find a good plumber.
  4. Sheffield Tony

    Replacing a Lockshield Valve?

    Simple job unless ... it becomes more complicated. The corrosion is on the compression nut on the pipe ? So probably it is the compression fitting seeping, so using the old nut and olive, it may still leak. To fit a new nut and olive means getting the old one off, but if it has been...
  5. Sheffield Tony

    Pompeil oven build

    Yes, a lower dome/arch would do pizza quicker. I made mine taller to be able to take a casserole etc. It's a catenary barrel vault. But there is a lot of mass there. At least half a tonne of firebricks to heat up ! Edited to add: the Vitcas firebricks are HEAVY. 4kg each, much heavier (and...
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Money abroad - who's a seasoned traveller?

    +1 more for Halifax Clarity. And when in Rome, watch your pockets.
  7. Sheffield Tony

    Pompeil oven build

    I built this: Brick, prestressed concrete lintel supporting 4 paving slabs, empty wine bottle and vermiculite/cement insulation layer, cooking surface is storage heater blocks from a skip, then vault is Vitcas firebricks, covered with a vermiculite/cement insulation then rendered. Good fun...
  8. Sheffield Tony

    Woodworm entry holes

    This does have the happy consequence that many wood boring creatures pose no threat to finished furniture, without bark or cracks for egg laying. I was pleased to discover this when I brought in some logs for the fire that had more life in them than I'd realised !
  9. Sheffield Tony

    Faux brick wall panels, anybody used these?

    I read about that just after I'd sanded off the highest peaks of the bathroom ceiling and re- skimmed it :(
  10. Sheffield Tony

    Faux brick wall panels, anybody used these?

    I think I've removed all the things mentioned from my house. Woodchip, stuck on stone tiles, papier machee fake brickwork, polystyrene ceiling tiles, artex, and a light fitting that looked like the spaceship from close encounters. The effort involved in getting the ceilings back to simple...
  11. Sheffield Tony

    Faux brick wall panels, anybody used these?

    This is the sort of thing the next owner of the house will be ripping off, asking "whatever possessed them to do that ?" Like polystyrene ceiling tiles and Artex.
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Can you hang a beam under a single truss?

    Can't you still get those rather fetching glue-on polystyrene faux-wood beams ? Save a lot of work (Ducks and runs for cover ... :lol: )
  13. Sheffield Tony

    Enlarging holes in piano hinges

    Might a step drill work ? Do the holes themselves need to be bigger, or a deeper countersink ? That might do a tidier job.
  14. Sheffield Tony

    Forstner Drill Bits

    For the cheapie Hilka set I have (from screwfix), an auger bit file is quite adequate. Better bits might need something harder I imagine.
  15. Sheffield Tony

    Patented STANLEY Plane Iron Honing Guide

    Never seen another ? There's one in my Dad's drawer. For that price, I'm sure he'd be willing to sell :lol:
  16. Sheffield Tony

    Sunburst Dining Table

    Amazing job. Looks perfect even on max zoom on the photos. Where's the WIP though ? We all could learn something ! :lol:
  17. Sheffield Tony

    Precise and Imprecise Tools?

    I'd suggest precision is more about methods of work than the tools. If tools were the limiting factor of precision, there would be no precise tools, because the precision of tool making would be limited to be no better than that of the tools used to make them. In practice, we can "bootstrap"...
  18. Sheffield Tony

    For anyone who needs cheering up...

    I looked on the Lee Valley site for a laugh, but there are so many things on there now that I'm not sure what is a genuine product that fills no known need, and what is intended as a joke! Liked the hot melt glue gun as the universal solution ! Thanks for pointing it out Andy.
  19. Sheffield Tony

    Nightmare chimney job

    I had kind of assumed you'd do that, so you can get behind the vermicrete and lever the waste inwards.
  20. Sheffield Tony

    Nightmare chimney job

    Brute force and a 6' metal bar might be as easy as anything. A set of those dirt cheap 1m long sds drills, possibly used as a chisel with roto stop on ?