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  1. Sheffield Tony

    Rising damp, advice please

    I am neither an architect or builder, but IMHO if a cold caller finds £3k of work on your house to fix a problem you previously didn't know you had, I would be skeptical. I have heard it argued that rising damp is in the same category as woodworm; quite uncommon for it to be a problem. Before...
  2. Sheffield Tony

    protect and survive

    I don't need to google Threads, some of my schoolmates were extras in it. Barry Hines went to the school I did. I think his son was one of our year. You may laugh at those advice leaflets, but I have met a man who survived the bombing of Nagasaki by hiding under his desk. Protection from the...
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Timber choice for a large wooden greenhouse

    Greenhouses are not an easy thing to paint; accessing right to the ridge is difficult. I wouldn't.
  4. Sheffield Tony

    Timber choice for a large wooden greenhouse

    My father bought a cedar greenhouse when he was in his 20's. He's in is 80's and still using it, with nothing more than a lick of linseed oil every 20 years or so. Good enough for me to chose cedar too. What is the argument for Douglas fir ?
  5. Sheffield Tony

    CCTV + pOE problems

    With the cheap crimpers where the dies are not hardened, the pins that press the contacts home gradually splay, then start scraping a slither of plastic from the sides of the shell. Being clear plastic, very hard to see even with a magnifier, but stops usually the outer 2 circuits making...
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Engineering items for help with

    The things on the copper wire look like interchangeable nozzles/cutters (can't think of a better word) like for a pop-riveter, leather punch or something ? Does the wide end have an internal thread ?
  7. Sheffield Tony

    CCTV + pOE problems

    Heaven knows why RJ45s aren't all made that way, it removes all the fiddling getting the wires exactly the right length, and the uncertainty. Equally, why is it so hard to find a reasonable hand tool - so much cheap rubbish with mild steel dies.
  8. Sheffield Tony

    CCTV + pOE problems

    Bit surprised if the cable length is a problem. The spec from a data transmission point of view is <=100m. PoE can come in different flavours; is the connection to the camera 100Mb or 1Gb. If the former, only 2 pairs are used for data and (most commonly) the two spare pairs for power. If the...
  9. Sheffield Tony

    Two Faced

    Looks like you won a trophy for the discus :wink:
  10. Sheffield Tony

    A gruesome hand saw restoration...

    There was a previous case of a guy distracted at the wrong moment putting his whole forearm under and sawing it off ! The ambulance man said "It quickly became clear that we could transport Mr x and his arm to the ambulance separately". More drastic, but probably easier fixed that this nasty...
  11. Sheffield Tony

    Hand plane issue

    Is the frog sitting square and seated properly ? More likely though as Andy says, it is not ground quite square. When checking, watch out that the sides of the iron are parallel if using a square, some seem to taper in width, hiving a false impression if checked with a square from one side only.
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Unknown Sheffield Tool - John Watts - Haworth's

    Damn, I knew what that was but didn't get to the thread fast enough !
  13. Sheffield Tony

    Unusual plane, what is it?

    It does look at least a bit improvised. The iron is slotted to be part of a double iron, but does not appear to have a cap iron fitted. The hole looks wide for the iron, making me wonder if it has not been ground down in width.
  14. Sheffield Tony

    What to do with a split?

    You aren't going to like this, but this is doomed to failure. Wood moves about twice as much circumferentially as radially, hence the split. That's why you don't see tables with end grain tops often, if at all. I would save the split :wink: , use the surrounding wood for winter fuel, and make...
  15. Sheffield Tony

    When I am in charge!

    At the risk of annoying the OP by being too serious ... Skiing is an odd one in a way, because you probably would be doing it out of range of the NHS so with insurance. But there are all sorts of lifestyle choices that have a risk of some kind associated with them, where do you draw the line ...
  16. Sheffield Tony

    What rubbish does your council charge for?

    I have often wondered why we don't make it a bit harder for flytippers. I walk past one spot where developers have left one of those optimistic "might one day get access to that green space" stubs of road which serves currently as a convenient fly tippers layby. I deterred one guy with a van...
  17. Sheffield Tony

    When I am in charge!

    Amongst that post (rafezetter), most of what I think I understand I disagree with. But I struggle to see how you can charge people who do any remotely dangerous sport (or other passtime ? Power tools maybe ?) but also heart patients who do no exercise - does anyone live a blameless life, or do...
  18. Sheffield Tony

    Most complex *one piece* item ever? (not clickbait)

    Amazing work, but I can't help thinking these things are a triumph of misplaced ingenuity. So many easier ways of making stool the same height. Including starting - and finishing - with a block of wood not much more than twice the thickness ! The design obviously dates to an era when labour...
  19. Sheffield Tony

    Pole lathe tooling

    Maybe. Differences are due to the limitations of energy input, and softer and easily "torn" nature of green wood. You want a sharp tool paring shavings away, never a scraping action which is harder work and leaves a grotty finish. Some of us pole lathe turners prefer older carbon steel tools...
  20. Sheffield Tony

    When I am in charge!

    I presume you don't like things being "leveraged" either ? Not easy with that one myself. I can get levering something. Or applying some leverage. But leveraging something ? You what ?