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  1. Sheffield Tony

    Shavings and what to do with them.

    I guess a lot depends on how much you have, and what sort of grade they are. I don't have huge quantities and they are almost all hand tool made, so little fine dust. Mixed in to a (cold) compost heap it is not identifiable within the year - the "mixed in" is key though, you need enough...
  2. Sheffield Tony

    Micro-hydro power generation

    I seem to remember there was talk about needing a water abstraction license, even though the water ends up back in the same place. Made no sense to me.
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Sanding kills grain?

    I'm going to risk agreeing with the OP. A plane, or if the grain is incoperative, a card scraper is all you need, certainly on oak. Even hand sanded doesn't look as good to me. When I'm doing green woodwork, I always want to get a decent finish from the tools and burnishing with shavings...
  4. Sheffield Tony

    Low electric power, early morning problem

    Yes, TV fault or something triggering the IR remote receiver ? Many TVs of modern sort can cope with a wide input range. Transients might be an issue (does anything else correlate with the problem - heating coming on, ...) but you won't diagnose that with a cheap meter.
  5. Sheffield Tony

    Heated Vests

    It's XXL in the same way that battery pack is 500000mAh. Only in the imagination of the marketing department. 500Ah at 5v -> 2.5kWh. No way. Factor of 50 exaggeration at least, I think.
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Preston No 1393P Patent Adjustable Hand Reeder

    It's making the holes that would worry me. Drilling saw plate can be tricky. Cobalt steel tools can be an advantage, and lubricant.
  7. Sheffield Tony

    Secret Santa 2019 - thanks, everyone.

    You know you'll regret it if you don't folks. The one year I missed out on Secret Santa I felt quite left out, looking at the photos thread and not being part of it. Go on, you know it will be the most exciting present under the tree on Christmas day. Comes complete with a free excuse to...
  8. Sheffield Tony

    axe hafts

    An ash log and another axe is one way. I wonder why the Americans want them, surely they have their own fairly long history of chopping down trees ? I suppose if it heads across the water, it might find a nice hickory handle.
  9. Sheffield Tony

    2 Man Canoe

    And just like we need shavings pictures in plane making threads, can we see it afloat :D It looks amazing, and great fun !
  10. Sheffield Tony

    Missing photos from Archive posts

    I lost the use of some web space I used to use for photos, so went through my old posts and added the photos as attachments - which I presume is the best solution as they should be there as long as the rest of the forum (?) It was a bit of a labour of love I can tell you, and I guess there are...
  11. Sheffield Tony

    The Finkum Plane

    My word, that is nice. We need a forum get together sometime so we can see it for real !
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Hayward Roughing Plane

    Very nice, isn't it satisfying when it first takes shavings ... speaking of which, it didn't happen if there are no pictures ... we want shavings ! Liquid hide glue would make the job a lot less stressful. It seems to let joints just slip together. I have taken to using if for chair glue-ups...
  13. Sheffield Tony

    Is this chisel worth saving?

    If you don't want the brace bits, send them to me please :D . Bullnose bits are not that common, and one of the better patterns for end grain boring.
  14. Sheffield Tony

    Coping Saws

    I presume the over-engineered coping saws arise from users (mistakenly) trying to make them cut on the push stroke ? That won't work too well with an Eclipse frame.
  15. Sheffield Tony

    Is this chisel worth saving?

    It is possible to re-harden a chisel. I had a 1" or so farly heavy gouge, the edge of which just folded when used with a mallet, it was so soft. The handle was split too, so I turned a new handle, and while it was off hardened and tempered the blade - a MAPP torch can do it, but you need to...
  16. Sheffield Tony

    Working hours experiment

    As a one-time robotics researcher, I remember seeing once an observation that in the 60s/70s we had a vision of a future where the robots did all the work and we lived a life of leisure. To some extent it has come true, but what was envisaged as a life of leisure is now termed "unemployment"...
  17. Sheffield Tony

    Working hours experiment

    Good on you for trying it. I have always thought that our traditional approach tends to reward long hours. Judging employees not so much by how much they achieve, as how long it takes them to do it, is surely all wrong.
  18. Sheffield Tony

    The Finkum Plane

    You could do something like what one of my former colleagues did. I found him in the workshop, with a stuffed animal's head, complete with the wooden plate that once mounted it as a trophy on the wall. He had it in the vice, sawing off the horns to use in longbow making. He found it going for...
  19. Sheffield Tony

    Toppling over fixes?

    I think it depends whether the hope is to just stop it tipping over completely, or to stop the feet coming off the ground when the user leans on it - as they will to reach the middle. If you want the feet to stay on the floor, the height makes no difference. It is just a see-saw with the line...
  20. Sheffield Tony

    Rising damp, advice please

    Actually, as well as the useful technical discussion, there's a simpler logic - never respond to cold callers. Good tradesmen selling a useful service don't have to cold call.