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  1. Sheffield Tony

    first cutting board

    Erm, have you ever wondered why breadboard ends are called breadboard ends ? I'd be careful about getting that at all wet.
  2. Sheffield Tony

    Fixing tear out

    So there's tear out on two sides. Keep planing, maybe third time lucky. Just keep at it, eventually you'll (a) be very good at planing and (b) will be left with a perfect piece of veneer to use on some less special piece of wood :lol: More seriously, if you did plan to have another go at...
  3. Sheffield Tony

    Drilling a 120mm dia hole ...

    Superglue works very well on green wood, but you'd need quite a lot of tubes !
  4. Sheffield Tony

    Drilling a 120mm dia hole ...

    How good an edge do you think a post hole auger can take ?
  5. Sheffield Tony

    Drilling a 120mm dia hole ...

    Looks like a giant version of a flute maker's auger ... and what are the chances of getting one of those in 120mm diameter ...
  6. Sheffield Tony

    Once of the best presentations I've ever seen

    For a bit of real-time reality: I know it is windy at the moment, but at the time of writing wind is the biggest contributer at 34%, outstripping nuclear by more than a factor of 2.
  7. Sheffield Tony

    Help with identification

    Any with the right sized round shank for the boring machine Andy ?
  8. Sheffield Tony

    TV licence requirements

    Just to be clear, although I dislike the antics of the TV licensing people, I have no problem with paying for the BBC. It is the best of the bunch. Although that isn't difficult. Adverts do ruin programmes for me, not just the add but the necessary recap of all that's been said already for...
  9. Sheffield Tony

    TV licence requirements

    I'm not sure technically you do. You need a TV licence to watch live TV, live streamed programmes, or iplayer. Netflix isn't any of those. You do not need a TV license to own a TV, just to operate it as above. You will, however, be harassed by TV licensing until the end of time. Indeed...
  10. Sheffield Tony

    Rounding planes

    If you happen to have a camera, we like pictures of chair making ... :wink:
  11. Sheffield Tony

    Rounding planes

    If it's green wood - the tools are froe/wedges, axe, drawknife. A bit of plywood drilled with a hole the size you want as a gauge is useful. Squint down it to judge straight, but don't worry about a bit of a curve if you're going to steam bend - you can use it to advantage. Indeed if the wood...
  12. Sheffield Tony

    Stanley 748

    Ah yes, that is the problem I had when I tried one, great for horizontal holes at chest height, but ... But then there's the side handle on an egg beater. You get an extra handle so you can hold on to both for greater stability while you crank it ... with your nose ? I guess it is no...
  13. Sheffield Tony

    Norton Combination Stone

    +1 for Classic Hand Tools. I have an older Norton 2 sided stone, and strangely the coarse side does not, to my judgement, appear to cut any faster than the medium grit side. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I end up never using the coarse side. I've cleaned it with a bath in paraffin thinking it was...
  14. Sheffield Tony

    Stanley 748

    In a cupboard at work I think there are at least two, maybe three of these in clean condition. Probably because they have been rarely used !
  15. Sheffield Tony


    Does it fit the AK47 ? :twisted:
  16. Sheffield Tony

    Cascamite and Iroko

    Well, I glued my iroko front door together with Extamite (Screwfix cascamite knock-off). No degreasing. It has not fallen apart yet in the decade or so it's been in use. I'm inclined to agree maybe the glue was off - unless it was allowed to move during setting / before it was fully set ?
  17. Sheffield Tony

    Anglo-Saxon Thumb Shave

    The photo of it in use reveals it to be bigger than I had imagined from the picture alongside the drawkife - I guess it must be a big drawknife ! It would be nice to try one out, it looks like a very useful and compact toolbox item. The Dolphin plane in the Mary Rose collection looks...
  18. Sheffield Tony

    Found an old Stanley plane in my dad’s loft

    I can vouch that a concave sole is not helpful ! But I do wonder if a slightly convex sole isn't possibly helpful. A bit like filing metal - you can't get a flat surface with an absolutely flat file - only a convex one. The better your action is, the nearer you can approach it, but a file with...
  19. Sheffield Tony

    Woops (Wood movement)

    Can't you just remove a whisker from the underside of B, or the bottom of the mating mortice, so it behaves like A ? The top of the legs being lower shouldn't matter.
  20. Sheffield Tony

    What’s this type of plan called?

    But don't you clamp them up together, measure and mark them together on one go ? In my school woodwork (only "O" level) rods and story sticks were never mentioned. My other teacher, my Dad, never used them either. I was going to say I don't, but I guess when turning several chair parts that...