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  1. E

    Any (post 2008) Economists in the house? - Inflation.

    Its pretty simple. The world economy shut down. The world economy started up. Supply trails demand. I can want a Mars Bar now, I can have the money to buy a Mars Bar now, but someone has to make the Mars Bar and that takes time if you've mothballed your Mars Bar factory. So the price of...
  2. E

    Shaping beer can aluminum

    I've got some commercially pure Aluminium sheet. Its soft as butter (nearly!). PM me if you want some, postage costs only.
  3. E

    For Sale Record No 050 Plough Plane £40

    Hi All, I have a Record No 050 Plough Plane with blades in ummm "original" condition. Will clean up a treat. £40 plus £3 post. Cheers, Wilson.
  4. E

    Using a hacksaw cutting big(gish) stuff. Or how to saw a railway line.

    If I had to cut something like that I'd take it to a local engineering workshop & ask them to put it through their bandsaw. I was in a hydraulic cylinder repair place & they would cut the pistons out of hydraulic cylinders in their band saw. I can't part off hydraulic piston material in my...
  5. E

    Drill Press issues

    Agree about getting an old Fobco, Meddings, maybe also Q&S or Arboga. I got mine for less than £300 at auction. This Q&S looks manky but I bet its actually a good drill:
  6. E

    Sold Patternmakers vice

    My father was a Senior patternmaker. They called them the "Wooden Engineers" as they worked with wood to thousandths of an inch. You had to be a Senior Draughtsman first to start being a Patternmaker. It was the Acme of the profession. It all went pear shaped in the 70s when ship building...
  7. E

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Full scale is for mastering 12" LPs. I'm only interested in 45s & on a more practical note, my furnace is big enough to pour that base casting. I would need 3 furnaces the size I have to cast the full scale base as things that are twice as big have four times the volume.
  8. E

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Its a working 1/2 scale model of a Neumann VMS70 record mastering lathe. 100% scratch built from photos I found on the internet, using period appropriate manual machinery. (Except for the small fasteners which were purchased.) Not quite finished. Although mechanically capable I still need to...
  9. E

    Blimey things have changed round 'ere

    Amazing job on that house. Kinda looks a lot like the new houses you see in the leafier bits of southern Germany. Which is nice!
  10. E

    private charge notice

    I agree with danst96, "The PCN guys are scum IMO". They are scum. Nothing better than legalised gangsters. Yes, parking should be enforced but at a rate commensurate with the "loss". Its a legal maxim. You can only claim damages for actual loss. Not "imaginary" losses. You may not levy...
  11. E

    private charge notice

    I think you have a good case. I suggest that one of your family members suddenly "remembers" they were driving. Then you can fight the case which given the signage issues, I'm pretty sure you'll win. Otherwise you appear to be stuffed.
  12. E

    Adding potentiometer to bench grinder.

    Ebay's full of these things: Which definitely work for fan motors, I can tell you that. I've got a massive vacuum cleaner motor that...
  13. E

    Running DC starter motors from welding plant.

    So, I've got a couple of Rolls Royce 24V starter motors from... something military. They are very nice indeed and run very quiet. But they take 24V and 200- 300 Amps when doing useful stuff. I'd like to incorporate them into maybe a small home made milling machine or planer table or...
  14. E

    I don't think they would believe it nowadays?

    Army Trainer "Nuclear weapons produce a 360ft deep crater. The best defence remains the 6ft slit trench. Questions?" My Uncle "How do you dig a 366ft slit trench?".
  15. E

    Meddings pillar drill (picture heavy)

    Which Fobco do you have?
  16. E

    How not to make a desk?

    Hamburg... I was in Hamburg 20 years ago and I went into an upscale design shop because they had the most beautiful wooden shoe box in the window (£3k). Made by one guy in Spain. They also had a desk he made for £20k. I've never seen workmanship like it. Pure art. If I'd had the money, I'd...
  17. E

    Is the opioid death toll a thing in all of western society?

    " He'd just switch countries" Why doesn't he go to South Sudan? Exactly zero government interference. No government at all in fact. Why don't all these fantastic self made men all move to South Sudan where they can be completely free of Gummint interference?
  18. E

    Is the opioid death toll a thing in all of western society?

    That's how all economies work. Exchange of labour. I might exchange 3 hours of my labour for 1 hour of the dentists labour & we use currency as the medium of exchange. Goods are just (labour+commodities), so goods are also an exchange of labour. This cycle does create wealth, "for ever and...
  19. E

    How not to make a desk?

    They also come a fetching shade of blue.