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  1. A

    Hello from Switzerland

    I grew up in Zermatt in the German speaking part, but I now live on the other end of the canton in the Val-d'Illiez valley (the ski areas of Morgins and Champéry are nearby). Indeed, not many straight lines. In fact, for this door I ended up sawing through the wall beams in order to have the...
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    Cradle build

    The final steps were trimming off the through tenons, and making a bottom for the mattress. I nailed some scraps to the front and back, and used the same tongue and groove boards for the bottom. They just needed to be planed. I decided to use soap finish, so I dissolved some aleppo soap we had...
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    Cradle build

    The final piece of the puzzle were the rockers. For the shape I discoved an old episode of the Woodwright where Roy Underhill explains the advatages of an ellipse over a sector of a circle. To draw the ellipse, I put two finishing nails into the top of the stiles and ran a very long piece of...
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    Cradle build

    It was time to have everything start come together. I had used the number 7 during the build, but I couldn't make the cradle with 7 bars per side as the big gap wouldn't be safe. Instead I doubled it to 14 bars per side, which gave a spacing of about 6cm. I used deviders and a marking gauge to...
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    Cradle build

    For the front and back I wanted to have a top and bottom piece, and to put a panel in between. I cut a groove on those pieces as well as on the stiles with my Record 050 combination plane. I played around with a compass until I found something I liked and I cut it out with a coping saw, chisels...
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    Cradle build

    I'm still limited to handtools, but I'm learning to be quick about getting things done. I prepared my stock for rails and stiles by planing a face flat (winding sticks to help) and by planing a reference edge that was precisely 90°. For the stiles those would be the sides that faced inwards. For...
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    Cradle build

    I just joined the forum, so I think I'll share some of my past projects with you. This is a cradle I built for the birth of my daughter in October. In the end, it took longer than expected to build and wasn't done until a week after she got home! For inspiration I went looking for examples on...
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    Do you use a back saw with crosscut teeth?

    I have a 10" backsaw that I filed for crosscut (about 13-14ppi), but I don't really think it's worth it. It's slow, and I find I get a similar result with my dovetail saw (10", 13ppi rip) or with some woods even with my tenon saw (14", 11ppi rip). Especially in hardwoods, I find that small rip...
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    Ledge door

    Thanks! I really wasn't sure how to sequence the nails. The books usually show three nails per board into each ledge, but the boards are usually wider than what I had, the ones I used are thinner than I would have liked (9 boards for a 2'6" door). Three nails would obviously have been too much...
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    Ledge door

    We've been living in an old house since the summer and it's still a bit of a wreck. Our room was still missing a door, and there was a nasty cold draught coming in from under that door (which leads to the cellar). The original plan was to make a four panel door similar to the ones that are...
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    Record No 5½

    If you're looking on ebay be sure to also search for No5 planes. The more expensive No5 1/2 sometimes get mislabled in the description and you can sometimes get a great price.
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    Hello from Switzerland

    New member here. My family is from Dorset, but I grew up in Switzerland (in the German and French speaking parts of the Valais in the Alps). These past few years I've collected some handtools (including a bunch of English tools from ebay) and I've begun learning how to do some halfway decent...