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  1. Wend

    63mm fittings

    How about ... akota+dkl1 ?
  2. Wend

    63mm fittings

    Axminster do also sell individual items, e.g. ... kit-103623 You might find some places selling 2.5inch fittings, which may be close enough.
  3. Wend

    Workbenches and wood expansion/shrinking

    OK, so it sounds like what I should be doing is getting some 100mm coach bolts and washers, drilling some holes through the cross piece that are comfortably bigger than the diameter of the bolts but comfortably smaller than the washers, and then screwing up through the bench top with them. So...
  4. Wend

    Workbenches and wood expansion/shrinking at 35:47 is Paul Sellers doing something similar, incidentally, but I don't think he ever explains why he's using screws rather than glue.
  5. Wend

    Workbenches and wood expansion/shrinking

    The short answer is, because that's what I've seen other people on-line do! It seems sensible to me, though: The legs are 4x4. The connecting M&Ted piece is a 2x4 with the 2" side up, which will be better at preventing twist. The piece on top is a 2x4 with the 4" side up, which is therefore...
  6. Wend

    Workbenches and wood expansion/shrinking

    Hi all, As my workbench slowly makes its way towards completion, I'm finding myself a little confused about whether I need to worry about expansion/shrinking of the wood, and if so, what I need to do about it. At the ends I will have legs, with a piece of wood connecting them with M&T joints...
  7. Wend

    Problems cutting squarely

    So, I had another go, applying most of the advice (I didn't cut a mm off of the line, as I didn't want to have plane that mm away, and for the current cuts exact length isn't an issue) to 2 cuts, and the result is much improved! In fact, one of them I don't think I'll have to plane at all. I...
  8. Wend

    Problems cutting squarely

    Thanks all! I actually started cutting the top and near faces, rather than the top and far faces, as I can't see the far face. Is the advantage of a saw horse that it is lower, so you can look over the wood and see the far face more easily? (I was using something similar to a bench to do the...
  9. Wend

    Problems cutting squarely

    Hi folks, Today I tried cutting one of the legs for my bench square. I made a knife wall around all 4 sides (which happily joined up more or less dead on!), and used a chisel to remove a bit of wood leading up to it on the waste side. However, while one side (the top I think) ended up being cut...
  10. Wend

    A first woodworking Christmas

    Hey all, Thought you might be interested to see what passes for woodworking around these parts, so here's what I made for my first woodworking Christmas! My goal was partly just to experiment with different things, so I started out with an advent calendar for my wife, made from various...
  11. Wend

    File for forstner bit sharpening

    The bigger ones in that set are "second cut"; is that fine enough? The smaller ones aren't specified, but I assume they are at least as fine as the big ones...
  12. Wend

    File for forstner bit sharpening

    Hey folks, I have some forstner bits that are excruciatingly slow at cutting through wood, while spade bits just fly through it. Possibly I am just asking too much of a handheld drill, but I thought I'd try sharpening them to see if that helps. It looks like a triangular file is a reasonable...
  13. Wend

    Workbench legs

    My Sellers-inspired workbench now more-or-less has a top, but it is somewhat lacking in the leg department. My plan is something like this: The legs themselves are two 2x4s, with more 2x4s and some M&Ts to hold everything together at the bottom, as shown on the left of the picture. Then...
  14. Wend

    Work Light Recomendations

    I am wary of cheap things (especially from abroad) that plug into the mains, but have been happy with this USB-powered magnetic-base light on my bandsaw for £6: I am also happy with a USB-powered clip-on light above my sander for £7, but it is no...
  15. Wend

    Questions about planing wood for workbench top

    Those were actually all photos from the same board, so I think what I'll do is move the cap iron closer to the end of the iron and use that board to try it out on. That way, while getting rid if the pith, I'll also hopefully get it smoother, and make the hole where the knot was smaller. Thanks...
  16. Wend

    Questions about planing wood for workbench top

    Hi folks, I finally got around to making the first steps towards converting a pile of wood into a workbench! Or at least the top surface. By and large, I've been pleasantly surprised about how well the planing has been going, but I have a few questions that I wonder if you could help me with...
  17. Wend

    Plane iron sharpening jig

    I think (hope!) the amount of time was more to do with the amount of material I needed to remove, than with the jig. Before I started I needed to have the lever almost fully to one side to get the blade level. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to be able to make as much progress as I did; I...
  18. Wend

    Plane iron sharpening jig

    Would they have any advantage over what I have now? The only thing I can think of is they allow any angle to be used, but I'll only want one or two angles, so a couple of wedges will be all I need.
  19. Wend

    Plane iron sharpening jig

    I haven't got the knack for hand-sharpening plane irons yet, so thought I would try building a jig to help me out. I've seen the commercial honing guides but, as well as the cost and the mixed reviews, I didn't like the idea of running rollers up and down my stones. The prototype So I started...
  20. Wend

    Chisel sharpening

    Just to respond to a few things that a number of people mentioned: This is one of a set of 3 cheap chisels I've had since I was a teenager, and while they haven't been used much, most of their use has been DIY abuse, so they all have bits missing from their corners. I don't have a grinder, nor...