Morning everyone I have just purchased a secondhand delta 16 inch scroll saw model 40 540. I was wondering if anyone had a blade changing tool spare they would want to sell? If not has anyone changed the blade clamps to something with a conventional grub screw type clamps??
Morning everyone I have just purchased a secondhand delta 16 inch scroll saw model 40 540. I was wondering if anyone had a blade changing tool spare they would want to sell? If not has anyone changed the blade clamps to something with a conventional grub screw type clamps??
Morning forum just bought this and wanted to know if anyone had any details on this machine. I’m new to woodworking and hence trying to get a small workshop together this morticer seems to fit in nicely with my collection of tools.
Hi forum anyone on the forum torn down a dewalt dw125 radial arm saw?
Mine has failed and i started to take it apart to discover badly corroded and stripped cables .
I want to try and save my old saw can anyone help with some diagrams on how to get the wire out from within the motor casing.
Morning everyone,
Can anyone help me with sourcing a replacement chuck key for my meddings pillar drill.
The chuck key has no 34 13mm 1/2 inch on it I have tried various google results but there seems to be so many variations
i will have to try and find some sort of wiring diagram to try and re wire it to a wall switch.
it will be only in the small workshop i have im not planning on moving it about lol.
Hi There Guys
just picked up a used DW125 radial arm saw from a local guy which is retiring from carpentry.
on collection we plugged it in and it seemed to keep blowing fuses in the plug.
does anyone on here have any idea what might be causing the fuse to blow?
Good morning forum
I have recently purchased a small grinder made by plasplugs and am in desperate need of some instructions m. If anyone out there has any they could kindly forward on time via email or something I would be very grateful.
hi there i'm coming to salisbury on thursday evening to collect a pillar drill could i come by and take a look at this obviously if its still available by then?
Oxford could work as I have a friend that works at waylands Volvo oxford so it could be dropped over to him and I collect from him.
Is the price negotiable at all??
I’m just starting out with wood working so I am looking for bargain items lol :D