Ah I see. Well I'm totally untrained in woodwork so I need all the help I can get! Hense why I'm here. I'm learning a lot from YouTube to be honest. Didn't know how to sharpen a chisel or use a hand plane so it's been a little university for me in my shed. Just trying to learn to dovetail...
Thank you I am a total novice at a lot of things so that's good to hear. I think I need to cut a piece of wood for the angle or does it matter that it's bang on 30°? I have an angle finder wheel thing for the hand plane blade but it's too big for the chisels. Is it better to learn to do it by...
I've got this plane too and it definitely needed sorting out before using but the thing I found that helped a lot was that after mechanisms and locks came loose DOH! Tightened all of them up in line and then it shaved an oak board just fine.
Just got myself a set of Narex Premiums as my first set and still in the process of honing them, only to watch Paul Sellers's instructional video of sharpening and watch him in awe taking an £8 set from Aldi and sharpening them into little bevelled samurai swords.... Obviously got a lot to learn!
That looks alright. Could probably do some long cuts on the table saw and chisel out the rest. Seems easy enough. I will get to it and let you guys know how it goes :) thanks.
I thought that about the lip using the table saw. Problem is it'll stretch the whole length of the board and I think that'll look daft. I only wanted a lip on the middle really.
I'm leaning towards just doing a couple Champers all around but that also might mess up the look of the mitred...
Hello everyone! Just joined and glad to be here.
I've started building a little jewelry type box just to practice my skills I've been teaching myself. I've only really done site joinery as a labourer but I'm much more interested in cabinet/furniture building.
So! Here she is so far and I've...