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  1. N

    Mechanical whale

    A nice youtube video on the making of a wooden automaton.
  2. N

    Veritas shooting plane and track issue (damage)

    it's what i suspected, and clean the track carefully to remove any potential contaminant. I think i'll add some low friction tape to limit this from happening again. Quite a bummer though..
  3. N

    Veritas shooting plane and track issue (damage)

    I was cleaning my shooting plane tonight and realised that the track has damaged the sole of the plane, leaving some grooves on it. Im very suprised about it, as the track is aluminium, so quite softer than the plane. The side of the track has a pretty rough surface, which caused this grooving...
  4. N

    Diamond or oilstone/wetstone for sharpening hand planes etc and what grade.

    I bought one before moving to UK (so prob 7 years ago) and it has performed well. Im really surprised it is still working...
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    Diamond or oilstone/wetstone for sharpening hand planes etc and what grade.

    There are many sharpening methods available, each with its pros and cons. One thing to take into account is also the type of metal of your blades : O1 works well with all, while A2 and PMv11 are a bit harder with oilstones (need a secondary bevel on these stones). Diamond plates work well...
  6. N

    Diamond or oilstone/wetstone for sharpening hand planes etc and what grade.

    Doesnt it take ages ? I had a tormek and doing the primary bevel was driving me nuts... (on PMV11 though)
  7. N

    In praise of great companies.

    I dont know if it is general among trading companies in UK or mainly small retailers, but I have always been satisfied with the level of service provided in the UK. That includes workshop heaven, classic hand tools, Axminster, FFX. I contacted classic hand tools several times for advices before...
  8. N

    Woodworking Youtubers

    I really enjoy New yorshire workshop. A bit for the woodworking but mostly for the creativity. The briquette making machine was really great. Also, I really like stavros gakos. Even though it's only plane making, it's well made and interesting to watch. As Derek mentioned above, a lot of people...
  9. N

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I made a pair of danish stools, following Richard Maguire's video. Very enjoyable project, using very little timber but quite challenging with the joinery. Also, first time doing weaving. Takes quite a bit of time, but fun.
  10. N

    Shooting board has me stumped.

    Are you sure the board that support your piece is straight ? it could be that the portion after the fence isnt straight or square to the fence, thus your plane goes after of square once your pass the fence.
  11. N

    Inside The Factory

    i agree with the comment above. Started watching it, but gave up due to the presenters. Do they have to take the viewers for complete idiots ? Cant they just behave normally ? If you like those manufacturing processes, the How it's made series is quite nice : how it's made - rasps how it's...
  12. N

    In which year did you start woodworking

    1. In which year did you make your first woodworking product? I mean an actual furniture unit, not a bird's house in elementary school. Started slowly in 2015 (while leaving in Sweden) and really took up the hobby in 2016 when I moved to UK 2. Who inspired you to become a woodworker? I was...
  13. N

    Decent hinges anyone

    To be honest, I struggle also to find good quality hinges that don't cost an arm. Even on some reputable online stores it can be tricky to figure out which one are good and which ones are overpriced. I'm suprised there isnt a place selling good quality hinges for furniture makers (except...
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    Cheap material option for painted project

    redwood isnt very resistant, is it ?
  15. N

    Cheap material option for painted project

    I'm having the same "problem". I'm planning to do a dresser and paint it too. I was thinking using ash too, as it's quite a strong timber and should hold quite well. However, for some reasons, i feel uncomfortable to paint ash. Doesnt feel right and sounds like wasting good looking timber. I...
  16. N

    Track saw - T55 or Mafell MT55

    I agree the Bosch seems to be a good offer worth a look. Well, this sub-channel is all about buying tools and getting advices. The offer nowadays is quite vast and it can be hard to know what to pick. Each tool will have a small difference vs its competitors than can be a pro or a con for the...
  17. N

    I want some sardines

    Do people still eat those ? I remember my father liked those, always found them plain disgusting. Anyhow, have you checked online ?
  18. N

    Track saw - T55 or Mafell MT55

    Thanks DiyAddict. I dont have any Festool equipment, but I am considering to get the smaller 1/2 inch router next year. Even though I'm doing most of my work with handtools, there are times where a router comes handy : long grooves in white oak, mouldings, repetitive cuts, etc. When I started...
  19. N

    Track saw - T55 or Mafell MT55

    Looks like both are very good, but small advantage for the MT55. I think i will pay a visit to Axminster at some point and have a look at them in the flesh. Axminster sells the T55 FEQ and on Festool website they have the FEBQ, which seems to include a brake system. Though Axminster mentions...
  20. N

    Track saw - T55 or Mafell MT55

    Very nice set up !