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  1. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    One of the biggest causes of our issues is population - global population. Year1624 550m 1724 870m 1824 2.52b 1924 6.14b 2024 8b If this there is continued straight line growth (from the past 100 years) =c30% per century we get: 2124 10.1b 2224 13.5 2324 17.6b At what point does the natural...
  2. NorthernSteve

    Mentor Wanted

    I posted the below in the wanted section a few days ago. It did not garner much response, albeit the responses it did get were helpful, so I am trying it here (slightly adapted), in the hope that it gains some more exposure. As a novice woodworker, I have greatly benefitted from the advice...
  3. NorthernSteve

    Combination or Task Specific Table Saw Blades

    I have been on the blower to Scott and Sergeant who stock 3 of the 4 brands you mentioned and I have ordered some CMT blades. Thanks once again.
  4. NorthernSteve

    Combination or Task Specific Table Saw Blades

    You mentioned a used Leitz. I have identified that Leitz have a sales office near me. Did you mention used as new they are cost prohibitive? Thanks
  5. NorthernSteve

    Combination or Task Specific Table Saw Blades

    Thanks HOJ, I hope that specifying a 30mm bore in saw blades is okay, as that is what I have done today in ordering CMT blades from Scott and Segeant!
  6. NorthernSteve

    Wanted Mentor Wanted !!!

    Thanks BlackSwan
  7. NorthernSteve

    Wanted Mentor Wanted !!!

    As a novice woodworker, I have greatly benefitted from the advice provided in response to the questions I have posed in this forum, so thank you to those who have provided input. Like most newcomers, my knowledge and skill is limited, and I am confident that there is much I don't know that...
  8. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    What I am pondering is how these 1.5 million houses are going to be built in effectively 4 years rather than 5, now that builders will be able to chose to work 4 rather than 5 day weeks? Tick Tock...
  9. NorthernSteve

    Combination or Task Specific Table Saw Blades

    I have Laguna Fusion 3 Table Saw that takes a 250mm blade on a 30mm arbour. My activities include everything from ripping hardwood planks to size, through cutting mitres in think stock. As I understand that, 20-40 tooth blades are best from ripping, 50-65 for combination works and 65+ for cross...
  10. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    Chris I was the latter child you refer to, it didn't stop me. Too many excuses for non achievement, in many cases too little effort. If you tell people that they stand no chance of success by dent of their upbringing, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
  11. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    No, but you could have set Amazon up should you have wanted to at the time he did. The opportunity was the same..
  12. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    "Many people in the UK have little opportunity". I disagree. While inequalities exist, the UK offers a wealth of opportunities for those willing to seek them out. From education and employment to entrepreneurship and social mobility, the avenues for improving one’s circumstances are extensive...
  13. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    The UK issue may be this: Claiming Benefits (Inc Pension, which for many is not a benefit) 20m Public Sector Employees 5.7m Private Sector Paying Tax 26.3m A possible Solution More Stringent Benefit Testing Reduced Public Sector Increased Private Sector paying Tax
  14. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    Signing off for today as I have some box feet to scroll saw.
  15. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    The press, as always have a political narrative they wish to portray - and boy do they play it. And as for the likes of Crisis and Shelter who don't actually provide any housing, what would you expect them to say? You are quoting 2nd and 3rd hand information as if it were the gospel truth...
  16. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    London is exceptional, not least because the indigenous population is a minority, liberal immigration policies amongst other things have and will continue to outstrip housing supply. Looking at many parts of the UK, a 95% mortgage and rent are not far apart in terms of monthly cost. London can...
  17. NorthernSteve

    No Fault Evictions

    The cognitive dissonance that many socialists can live with is staggering.