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  1. L

    Loft conversion - what you wish you’d thought of?

    Totally agree but, in my experience, this would mean more cost because of having to re-design to allow increased/standing heights in lofts = either steeper pitches (=more roof coverings) or bigger floor plans to allow for increased house widths (aesthetics and planning etc). To me it's just...
  2. L

    Loft conversion - what you wish you’d thought of?

    +1 for as much insulation as you can fit/afford. we only have 100mm rafters and so I used 50mm celotex with 25mm space each side then added 19 layer multi foil to the rafter faces.....made an immediate difference (obvious I know) and I am very happy with it as its made fantastic use of a...
  3. L

    Size For Glass Panels

    +1 for acrylic 👍
  4. L

    Statins and statistics

    Here's a shocking story for you.....a 82yr old mate of mine has been suffering with 'his nerves' for quite a while and 'we' finally persuaded him to go and have a chat to his doctor. Unbeknownst to us another 80+ friend of his told him to ask the doctor to put him on doctor (not...
  5. L

    Floor joist span

    Hoping I've understood you correctly..... 'We', in conjunction with building reg/structural engineer, would often, on site, use the 'old rule' of convert span into feet, divide by 2, round up and add 1.8m = 6ft /2 = 3 + 1 = 4. Therefore in your example 4x2's would be fine......if...
  6. L


    FFS! I'll be dead soon, you too's too short. Your bloody phone, tv, Alexa and whatever else you inevitably have are all listening anyway so whatever you do your f*cked! Don't click on any email links and tell anyone who calls (if you don't know them) to f*ck off! Get a grip!
  7. L

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    Jeeeeeeeeeeez........anyone got any jokes for a change?
  8. L

    Dry rods

  9. L

    Removing some of truss Webbing

    I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want to do but here's my penny worth. Truss manufacturers will tell you that any alterations to 'their' designs will negate any warrantees etc etc.....which is to be expected, fair enough......however.... Go back to first principles. The weight of a...
  10. L

    Dust extraction for 100mm soil pipe system?

    +1 for the 110mm pipe. My system sounds very much like curryjunkie above (incl the thein) although my vortex bin only really collects the bigger bits as I'm very fortunate that my fine dust gets vented outside. I have a 2hp single. Mate of mine built his based on mine but split his workshop...
  11. L

    Software for planning application

    Another 👍 for SketchUp! Back in the day I did plans for extensions, all hand-drawn, until A3 printers appeared. Evolved onto autocad (big learning curve) and remained there for years until someone showed me SketchUp. Very much smaller learning curve, relatively (in my opinion) intuitive and...
  12. L

    Severance negotiations

    Here's another angle that I don't think anyone else has mentioned and I t's something that was instilled in me by my father from an early age......Always try to see things from the other person's perspective as it often provides an insight into an argument or belief or, in this case perhaps...
  13. L

    3d print query - bonded print faces

    Thanks for the replies. Although I've been printing for a few years I've never attempted to print anything that has 'moving/moveable' parts within it (never needed to). Even so, I have wondered about whether or not such adjacent/combined parts would need to be set apart at something like 0.1mm...
  14. L

    Hot topic

    Thanks for replies (sorry, didn't want to hijack the post) thinking was simply based on cost and hassle-ness as my shed is full to the brim with tools (table saw, bandsaw etc etc) and materials but I could, with a bit of moving stuff about, add those sheets to my floor. I can't be a*sed...
  15. L

    3d print query - bonded print faces

    I'd like your thoughts/advice please. I use Tinkercad for my modelling........I've noticed that if, when modelling, I place the flat face of an object up against another flat face (ie the distance between them is zero) the final printed model will quite easily allow me to detach those faces...
  16. L

    Hot topic

    This grabbed my attention! As I've never had experience with underfloor heating I've never come across that 10mm xps board......please elaborate more 🙂 I have a fair size timber shed/workshop that is too cold to work in at the mo..... Are you saying that this board will make enough of a...
  17. L

    How good are Howdens kitchens?

    Don't suppose you take meeting 'minutes' professionally do you? 😂👍
  18. L

    Questionable circular saw adaptation

    I'll let you decide......
  19. L

    Vapour barrier in a detached concrete garage?

    Just for further info....lDPMs and VBs stop any form of moisture (from water down to vapour) from passing through. Breather membranes are somewhat the opposite in that they allow vapour, but not water, to pass through - thus allowing you, together with a combination of ventilation, to control...