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  1. L

    replacing an old style 18v parkside (lidl) battery

    I discovered that my Ferrex battery contains Samsung Li-ion cells, which is reassuring.
  2. L

    Cast iron fan light window- advice

    Having priced, many years ago, the replacement of a very much smaller and very much simpler iron casting, I would examine every other source before deciding on a new casting of this complexity! And if a new casting was inevitable, I'd have it cast in Aluminium, because there would be less...
  3. L

    1/2" brad point drill bit do they exist in the UK?

    It is easier to grind a drill to a good spur, than to grind a 118* tip for drilling steel. If you have a powered bench grinder with a good square edge to the stone, you will find that all your spur drills will fit to the right-hand side of the stone at the same angle. Spur drills are not...
  4. L

    Biscuit Joiner or Dowels

    I've filed a couple of blades for rip cuts with my jigsaw, and they work an absolute treat! They cut straight, and so fast!
  5. L

    OMG, "it don't 'arf pen and ink"

    We live on the edge of a large area of arable fields, and so have the smell of slurry every Autumn. A number of years ago, our local Council decided to compost the seaweed that was removed from the beaches during the Summer, and allow the local farmers to use it as fertilizer the following...
  6. L

    A little off-topic, but...damp prevention

    Paint on the side wall will stop any moisture that gets into the brickwork at the top and sinks through the bricks, getting out except to the inside.
  7. L

    Generator transfer switch

    Do they no longer have battery back-up?
  8. L

    Marking Gauge advice

    That was my first thought, but the screw on the block would no longer hold the slider in place.
  9. L

    Flexible Tap connectors

    In my mind they are essential when connecting to a plastic fitting such as a 'Torbeck" valve, as the plastic thread splits between the threads if there is a even a minute misalignment in the copper supply tube. I have seen several instances where there has been a leak around that area, and the...
  10. L


    I was taught that the ball was used when a nail broke as it was pulled, to place on the broken end and use a hammer to drive it below the surface.
  11. L

    Danger zone

    WE don't have British dentists, either! At least, I haven't seen a British dentist in about 25 years, although the German, Polish, Danish, South African and several from various Asian countries have been very good.
  12. L

    Danger zone

    Evo;ution doesn't work like that, Pete! He can't pass on to offspring, the results of injuries to himself: his offspring must mangle their own hands!
  13. L

    Ovolo router cutters one radius is different from the other?

    I checked your drawing with a 55mm dia template. Obviously the dia is meaningless, but it does show that the curve is constant: only one radius. I suspect that the radius of the original curve was smaller than you have copied, and over the years has been sanded to its present size.
  14. L

    Rawhide mallet. What would they have been used for.

    Sorry, I don't know why that pic came up twice!
  15. L

    Rawhide mallet. What would they have been used for.

    I often look in Charity shops for, among other things, tools. About twelve years ago I bought, for fifty pence, a hide mallet with a 3 1/2 inch by 6 inch head, in almost unused condition. It still had the "Thor' decal on the handle. I do love a bargain, so I looked in my catalogues to check...
  16. L

    Electric vehicles - again

    IF there IS a weakest link, then it must be the latest technology involved in the car, as all the other parts of a car have been proved manytimes. Brakes, wheels, steering, seats, windows and electric multi-phase motors are none of them new, and Tesla's don't appear to be problematic, and their...
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    My 'infills'.
  18. L

    Dam% Damp

    So does a macerator thoroughly cleanse itself after every use, or is there an amount of raw sewage left in the chamber? It might be that this is the cause of the mould.
  19. L

    Personal Changes You've Made - lighthearted ones..

    How the Hell did you pick your nose with no nails?