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  1. L

    Has anyone made a Canoe?

    Someone with more advanced search skills than me might be able to find, on t'interweb, a really funny story about a guy who, wishing to add flotation to his newly-built canoe, used expanding foam. Without reading the instructions. Indoors.
  2. L

    Tauco pillar drill

    It sounds as if it's NOT a Morse taper. I know of only 2 other options; a Jacob's taper or a left-hand thread. A Jacob's taper is much smaller than a Morse taper, and is separated with a "U" shaped wedge between the top of the chuck and the quill adjacent, one leg of the "U" going each side of...
  3. L

    Tauco pillar drill

    To remove the chuck you need a "Morse Tapered Drift". Lower the chuck and look through the slotted hole whilst turning the chuck. You will see that the inner shaft has also got a slot. At the bottom of this inner slot you will see the top of the Morse taper shank. Poke your tapered drift into...
  4. L

    Kitchen Worktop Joints - sealing recommendations ?

    >If you have a joint next to a sink, you can seal the edge of the worktop with PVA first, that should keep the moisture out.< PVA is not suitable as a sealant on worktops. One of the worktop makers states this on their data sheet which accompanies their worktops.
  5. L

    Is your car now safe?

    Insurance didn't pay surprise. I think that, if it happens again. you would be wise to smash a window before calling the cops!
  6. L

    Diamond Stone

    ~I have left my dmt with water on for a few days, it goes rusty.~ I suspect that the rust is uncleared swarf.
  7. L

    Does anyone know what machine this is?

    No, not at all! I was just trying it on!
  8. L

    Does anyone know what machine this is?

    Ah, yes, the old "Wadkin ai-qaida". There were a few that slipped under the net after the "Prevention of Terrorism Act" banned them. Luckily for you, we are the "Approved Disposal Agency" for these lethal devices, so, if you ship it to our Site, we can dispose of it in line with Para. 11. 3 of...
  9. L

    just bought this planer

    They're very good; a real pro's machine! It will last your grand childrens' lifetime.
  10. L

    SAW FILES TESTS - 23 files tested by 3 experienced filers

    If, as I have read, some manufacturers are making files of low grade steel which is then case-hardened, then is there not a possibility that the citric acid treatment would eat through the the hardened layer into the softer core of such files?
  11. L

    Is that the law?

    Quote:- you can photograph whatever you can see, with the exception of government buildings e.g. police stations...... And yet our local Police station is clearly visible on Google Earth!
  12. L

    Looking for hearty, patient person!

    Welcome to Britain, Ralph! I hope you find happiness here! Many language schools give FREE lessons speakers of languages other than English, so that trainee TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers can be trained. Also, some Local Authorities give free English lessons for new...
  13. L

    Spring steel?

    I'm pretty sure that you could find a small-engine valve spring that would fit. (You can't make springs with mild steel; you'd need tool or silver steel which would need to be annealed, shaped(coiled), then re-hardened and finally tempered.)
  14. L

    Bench Grinder Rotation Direction

    >In general, polishing mops should rotate upwards (away from you, or clockwise looking at the shaft), grinding wheels should >rotate downwards (or anti-clock wise looking at the shaft). I've been in Engineering since 1958, including year in a metal polishing shop, and I've never seen a...
  15. L

    wadkin grinder

    "I might have to leave the motor mount in place ass well because the bar that it pivots on is impossible to get too, I don't know how they got it in." Undo the 4 bolts (on the outside at the back), then turn the bracket 90 degrees so the shaft can come out vertically.
  16. L

    Joining and fixing 1.5mm polycarbonate (Thien top-hat wall)

    I'd use metal; aluminium or steel, and join the ends with hollow rivets or silicon mastic,which I would also use to seal into the top and bottom.
  17. L

    Help with leaking tap

    Put the plug in before carrying out the above.
  18. L

    re-saw assistance needed

    A few years ago, the manager at Jewsons, in Margate, told me that they would resaw some timber for me. It might be worth a try at a Jewsons more local to you.
  19. L

    how the hell to paint over coal ter creosote

    I used Zinsser over week-old creosote; worked very well!
  20. L

    Ch. 4

    Anyone watching "Labyrinth" on Ch. 4? I thought that chain mail was designed to prevent stab wounds, but apparently a sword will go through it with no bother at all! Also, you could kill a man by pushing him over!