That 'Helios' 50mm lens was excellent, and was praised by several of the photo mags at that time. I had a standard Zenith, a 35mm, a long lens and a 'Weston-5', and never felt a need for anything more modern.
It needs a lot of meths to remove ALL the shellac from a brush so that it dries soft. It is cheaper and easier to soak the brush in meths, then wash it in bleach while the shellac is soft. This will keep the brush soft.
So you'd like them to invest in new, foreign-made CNC- machinery, and remove their USP, Traditionally Made Hand Tools, to become another struggling tool manufacturer awaiting takeover by DeWalt.
Yes, Mrs Thatcher said that all Councils should raise their own revenue, and not rely on Central Government. She wanted a Country more like The United States. Then we found out she was mad.