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  1. S


    Well, I want youy're sniffing...
  2. S


    No, I think that sentence was works with 'who' but wouldn't work with 'whom'. It not only looks wrong, it sounds wrong too.
  3. S


    No word is 'essential to a sentence since any word can be sunstituted or the sentence reformed. But, 'To whom shall I send the subscrption?' is a sentence where the word whom is necessary. It could be written differently, of course. 'What is the name of the person who will accept the...
  4. S


    As one writes, one should write as if it will be read aloud; aside from legalese, there are few occasions when writing and the spoken word cannot be in the same style. Your latter sentence doesn't warrant a reply. It is extremely silly.
  5. S

    No Fault Evictions

    I have known quite a few people who had the opportunity to make provision for their retirement but chose not to. They had a philosophy of living for today and worry about the future later. To those, I say, as you sow...
  6. S

    No Fault Evictions

    The courts usually?
  7. S


    To whom do you direct that comment? For me, the whom and who choice depends on the structure and subject of the sentence. I wouldn't write - To who is it directed? It sounds naff. Similarly - whom is coming to the party is equally bad. I think it is a question of something, either verbal or...
  8. S

    No Fault Evictions

    It's the quality of retirement that makes a big difference, isn't it? You and I have a good quality of life, the lives of career benefit claimants is just bearable.
  9. S

    No Fault Evictions

    I did...
  10. S


    There is not, or never has been, a pure English language. Even the scholars fail when they try to fit English with the laws of Latin grammar. People decide the common usage of a language; more so today than ever before. The French have their own department to control their use of the language...
  11. S


    I'm sorry. I'd forgotten that... I thought, as users of the English language, that we are able to use any phrase or words that convey an accurate and, maybe, a succinct idea or comment. American English is an evolved version of our own English, not a new one.
  12. S

    No Fault Evictions

    My observations from life indicate to me that there are far more bad tenants than there are landlords. If rentees treated their accommodation as if it was their own, there wouldn't be such a poor state of rented properties and more landlords would abound. But that's an idealogical idea and, we...
  13. S

    No Fault Evictions

    On the contrary, ey_tony, we have both saved and started, or belonged to pensions schemes that have, on retirement, provided a pretty comfortable life. I don't feel penalised because some slackers get handdouts. I do, however, enjoy the ability to spend money I earned, without worrying about...
  14. S

    No Fault Evictions

    If single mothers were hidden, Jacob, how do know they were there? Our recent culture, and benefits packages, have increased the ability of married couples to split, without acrimony, and move on. I think you are in error with that one. And think, for every split family there are now two...
  15. S

    Exploding Pagers - Lebanon

    The UN sees the actions of the Israelis and holds back. Generally, it seems that the Palestinians have a lot of support from the world, but not from the governments, from the people. We know that there are few western governments that will criticise, or sanction, Israel. But, putting aside all...
  16. S

    Exploding Pagers - Lebanon

    If the Israelis don't abide by the conventions of war, why should the Palestines?
  17. S

    Exploding Pagers - Lebanon

    There is nothing written, thus far in this thread, that is anti-Semitic, but it is a claim made by those who want to shut down any criticism of Israel. I criticise the Israeli leadership for their indiscriminate killing of people and I criticise Hamas for the same thing but, in this latest...
  18. S

    Exploding Pagers - Lebanon

    You're right. I was thinking of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
  19. S

    Exploding Pagers - Lebanon

    So, the bottom line is that the West wants to maintain the tribal fighting in the Middle East so that the West is ignored and that they don't become a totally Isamic region which might redirect its attentions to us.
  20. S

    Exploding Pagers - Lebanon

    Sorry Derek. None of what you say is true. The IDF are tasked with doing something that the Jews were victims of in WW2. The Jewish people are beginning ot turn away from the leaders; at least they see the truth.