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  1. S


    There's fishing and there's angling. The difference being that fisherman fish, to get fish to eat whilst anglers use their skills and knowledge to outwit a fish; the sport is in the catching, and the fish is released to fight another day. Unless, you are an angler, you probably wouldn't understand.
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    Electric vehicles

    Thw world is full of TLAs. (three-lettered acronyms)
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    Made or Built

    When I wanted to buy my table saw from Axminster, I had to wait many weeks for Axminister to gewt new stock in. It was that same for a lot of machines in their range at the time. The cause was the ship that blocked the Suez canal in March 2021 together with the pandemic. I even asked them when...
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    But did he get the long wait?
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    Ban on airtravel

    Shareholders get a return on their investment. The companies get funding from the shareholders to enable them to make profits and grow. The communities benefit by having more employment and jobs which allow people to earn money to pay taxes which benefit the country. Lost jobs, lost industires...
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    Ban on airtravel

    Interesting opinion but not without flaws. It is because some companies issue shares to to raise money for their businesses. Those businesses can then, with good management and few unforeseen interruptions, expand and employ more people who, in time, can save and prosper and, who knows, they too...
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    Ban on airtravel

    Yes me too and I know that when the Tories are in we have growth, excepting the war years and pandemics, my shares grow faster. When my shares grow, it indicates to me that the economy is doing alright. This isn't about loving or hating a party, it's knowing when you're better off.
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    Ban on airtravel

    Spoken like a true lefty. Without wealth there is no growth and fewer jobs with lower wages. Wealth doesn't increase on its own. It needs investment and speculation. Investment in business, technology and people. People taking risks in new ideas and inventions. Without wealth there would be less...
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    Joint help.

    A hard wood would move less?
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    Ban on airtravel

    Not really. The Tories are pro -business and wouldn't push an agenda like that. Aircraft designers are working frantically to cut emissions though. Don't listen to fake stories.
  11. S

    So, isn't it about time the rights of a consumer were upgraded in law?

    In manufacture there is a design/engineering term - bathtub curve. It relates to the failure rate of everything that is made. The shape of the curve resembles a bath, steep at start indicating that a lot of failures occur in the items' early period. Then follows a period of relatively few...
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    Heating in a garden room???

    I use an oil-filled rad fed from a socket which has bee wired via a non-powered thermostat. Works for me and takes up little room. Good floor, wall and roof insulation would help to keep the cost down.
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    Tools and woodworkers

    I started out in hobby woodworking when I retired. I built the shed in the footprint of my demolished garage so I was limited in size and what I could put in it. I bought a Makita portable table saw, a Record bandsaw, an Axminster bench drill and, much later, an Axminster lathe. I already has a...
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    reduce energy on standby

    Yes, me too. And later, Into programming and databases.
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    reduce energy on standby

    I think it's Cos (phi) not theta.
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    Cheap wood (mainly soft woods)

    I look out for old pine shelf units/wardrobes etc., as they can be got at low cost and sometimes for free. I've made a few things from recycled pine boards. We don't have any timber recycling centres in my area, so this is a good alternative.
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    Another newbie looking for a lathe

    I have an Axminster Craft lathe and never regretted buying it. Bags of potential - room to grow, as they say.
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    Dust extraction - bandsaws

    I have a Numatic NV750 which, I see, Axminster Tools sell for a much higher price than I paid. I have several adaptors for table saw, band saw thicknesser etc, and it copes well. I am in the habit of doing the dusty stuff at the end of day to allow the dust to settle. This one can be used with...
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    Lathe chuck -- Axminster vs Vevor

    I have the Axminster lathe and chuck. I have no previous experience of lathes but ,as yet, I have no regrets. It does everything I need.
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    My Garden Room Build - 9m x 4m

    When I built my workshop, I considered the different methods of wiring it and ended up using 100mm plastic trunking around the whole inside of building. I've never regretted it. It's easy to add/move sockets giving me a flexibility that I wouldn't have had by recessed cabling. I used a...