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  1. S

    simple question...

    I would agree. I use a 40T cheap blade and have never had a bad cut on MDF.
  2. S

    Hacks to help cope with the heat

    Maybe the world will be moving north, or south (in the other hemisphere) to avoid the heat in the future.
  3. S

    Hacks to help cope with the heat

    You remember from when you were a boy and summers seemed to go on forever. In reality though, we didn't have heatwaves on a regular basis. Just the odd one here and there. The last two hot summers were 1976 and 2018.
  4. S


    Although some southern states of America might grasp the concepts of climate change I think that, generally, the electorate in other western countries do understand the consequences of the recent climatic changes and would support their leaders. Obviously, like any mass, there is inertia but...
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    Reverting back to the wild west days of the US is not really a sensible option. But finding ways to all the things we need to do and enjoy doing to continue those activities. The changes have started. Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, reducing CO²/CFCs in the atmosphere and intensive...
  6. S


    There is a lot of disbelief around. I put it down to fear. The science has gone from suspicions to fact but there are some who still deny the truth. Luckily, most of the world is taking more notice.
  7. S

    Am I out of touch ;-)

    In my apprenticeship days these were known locally as Star Drills or rawlplug tool and useed with a normal 18 ounce claw hammer or a lump hammer. I see, Screwfix still list those as rawlplug tools.
  8. S

    Euro 2022 final

    I'm not a fan of football but I did watch the last 10 minutes of the Euro game and, I must say, the women's teams played better than most of the men's games I've watched. These girls had skill, they didn't dive every few minutes and they moved around the pitch with professional style. As someone...
  9. S

    Where did all the water go?!?

    Whilst climate change is believed and being acted on by the vast majority of governments and scientists, there will always a be a few, a very few, who will use disinformation, unsusantiated science and twisted logic to support their errorneous claims. I have, in the past, wondered about...
  10. S

    Where did all the water go?!?

    Science is a continuous studying of life, the universe and everything. It is never finished and, as we are finding out more, some of the things we took for granted as true are now being questioned and/or revised. But, having said that, successful technology is based on science which was right at...
  11. S

    Looking for help with timber buying for a workbench project

    My amateur hobby bench was built from pine. The legs are 100mm x 100 and the top surround 25mm x 150mm. It has a lower level for small power tools ana a hardwood top jointed from used hardwood worktops and flattened. When the top needs replacing I will use ply. It will last my lifetime and...
  12. S


    But get used to the hotter summers happening more frequently. 1976 was less hot, lasted longer, caused more disruption with low water supplies and rationing in some parts of the country. Imagine this last week lasting 3 months instead of 3 days.
  13. S


    The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, and it's a hot one. The real answer to all of your questions is just two words - Human nature.
  14. S


    How about the fact that the temperature of the inner atmosphere is warmer than the outer atmosphere, indicating that the gasses building up in the lower atmosphere are causing heat generated on Earth to be retained rather than being lost to space? We are warming up, there is no doubt. It is now...
  15. S


    No, we didn't. We just think we did. We remember the long, warm, sunny days of summer during school holidays that seemed to last forever and forget the wet ones.
  16. S

    Where did all the water go?!?

    I did read somewhere, a long time ago, that the tides moving over the Atlantic shelf can raise and lower the southern end of the UK. It might be measurable but I can't say I've noticed. :-)
  17. S


    Like I said. The only skill in sea fishing from a boat is where to put the boat. Mackerel are a shoal fish and, like you say, catching them requires no skill so it's called fishing rather than the more skilful angling.
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    That's because you're not an angler. To catch a fish in it's own environment, you have to understand its environment and the weather, including temperature and the wind direction, it feeding habits at the time you're angling and if the fish is feeding (catchable) or spawning (less catchable) or...
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    They aren't really but when it's free food the Polish are used to taking them whether they should or not.
  20. S


    A wind up, but to an angler you may well as well have joked about domestic violence.