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  1. K

    Useless facts

    Identical twins share the same DNA but have different fingerprints. So are they identical?
  2. K

    Wood glue

    Around thirty years ago I used it to double thickness sheets of MDF to build a large drawer cabinet in my workshop. It's still there. I would do it again too if ever I needed to adhere such large pieces to be used in a similar environment. As an every day PVA glue though I'll use Ever Build 502...
  3. K

    Airbrushing Kits for turned work

    There's not much I can add to some of the great advice given above. I have air-brushed wooden pieces for ten years-ish. I use the cheapest dual action brushes China can bang out (not advisable for intricate work). I will work with a small tank-less compressor if working outside on still days and...
  4. K

    What is your favorite American TV show?

    I am missing Last Man on Earth. Seriously creative comedy.
  5. K

    Changing Times

    I can smell it from here.
  6. K

    Youtube !

    Been using Brave for over a year now. No adverts or unwanted trackers. Changed over from Chrome when I checked to see if my local Aldi had an impact driver in stock then got suggestions for impact drivers from Amazon.
  7. K

    How many active turners remain in UKWorkshop ?

    I'm a regular turner.
  8. K

    Has anyone mastered the Hovel pencil plane?

    I use a school type sharpener with the handle on. Something has changed in the design though. I remember sharpening pencils at school all the way down to a stub in seconds. They now stop as soon as it's sharp. Sucked all the fun out of it. I use a square pencil sharper on one end of my...
  9. K

    Game Changing Tools

    In the forty years that I've been a hobbyist wood worker there have been a few game changers. My first hammer drill, first hand held circular saw, first router. Then my first love was a wood lathe. Then naturally came my second love and the real game changer - a bandsaw. The first one was a...
  10. K

    Tier 4

    According to my chocolate advent calendar, Christmas Day was last Wednesday.
  11. K

    Cascamite WBP

    I have also given up on Cascamite. Yesterday I received 1kg of Semforite UF resin waterproof wood glue. It comes in two poly bags. I've separated them into smaller bags and then into sealable tubs. I planed and then glued two small pieces of pallet wood together and I will leave them exposed to...
  12. K

    What's the most stupid thing you've done in woodworking?

    My upholsterer friend gave us a large amount of upholstery quality leather off-cuts. My wife thought she would have a go at re-covering the dining chair seats with it. My air guns are brad nailers and staplers so my friend lent us his spare upholsterers stapler which I connected to the airline...
  13. K

    Kids & phones, am I getting old?

    I recently read the story of an elderly lady receiving a text from the daughter of her old friend saying that her mother had passed on. The lady replied that she was sorry to hear that and she will be praying for her. LOL. It was explained to her by her own daughter that LOL no longer means Lots...
  14. K

    Any use for broken bandsaw blades?

    Wrap lengths around garden pots teeth facing down to cut down slugs climbing up the side.
  15. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Just mad a couple of pizza boards from reclaimed wood. The discs are both larch Victorian stair treads. One has a handle made from oak floorboard which was laid in 1753 The other has a chestnut handle from floorboards at the same premises but age unknown and a cherry insert from the firewood...
  16. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I replaced the stand that held my large 2010 laptop with this new, more manoeuvrable stand for my Surface Pro laptop/tablet that I often use in the workshop. It is heavily based on the one made from the JSK-koubou YouTube channel and made from off-cuts of 19mm ply and book-matched oak.
  17. K

    Why use cascamite?

    One more use for Cascamite is as an MDF sealer. I was advised this a few years back but only just had a reason to use it this way. I agree that it is an excellent adhesive that I've used for many years. But, recently I made my own roller/thickness sander and made the 500mm roller from several...