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  1. N

    Seed Catalogues

    The way I understand it, is that you have ever purchased from one of these seed and plant firms, then you will be sent their catalogues. As my wife and I have obviously made purchases from each of the firms in question, then the volume of catalogues is understandable. It's all our own fault...
  2. N

    Another mystery tool, maybe not so mysterious!

    Probably a bit too blunt for a "dockers hook". Edit, Most likely a spring stretcher for upholstery as previously mentioned.
  3. N

    Straight edge for jointing, best method

    A colleague who made stripped pine furniture, would edge joint straight off the table saw I would use a pair of correctly set up roller stands in conjunction with my planer for the longer lengths. For ridiculously long lengths, where the stock was too unwieldy, I have used an electric hand...
  4. N

    Seed Catalogues

    I do save some seed, It is a lot easier for annuals like Rocker, Coriander, Beans etc. Those that seed in the second year always seem to be in the way - no matter how enjoyable seeing them flower can be, especially if one is tight for space and operating a rotation of crops. With Sarah Raven, I...
  5. N

    Seed Catalogues

    If, like me, you are into your gardening in any way, you will no doubt be being swamped with seed and plant catalogues. Just as I thin out my seedlings , I have to do the same with these catalogues. at, at least four distinct times of the year. Otherwise they start bursting out of the kitchen...
  6. N

    Hand pump rebuild.

    Ha! Funnily enough I've got one of these over my well here in Wales. :giggle: I was looking into refurbishing it. Apparently you can still buy them new but they are now made in India. Some have bronze bodies, I believe, for use with sea-water.
  7. N

    How good are Howdens kitchens?

    You have to bear in mind that there is not a proper standardisation of cabinets and doors. Though the widths will be pretty consistent the heights of the doors, vary with each manufacturer. You also have to take into account that the hinge positions of your existing doors will not necessarily...
  8. N

    Panel optimiser?

    I can see the usefulness of these programmes. Some of them are amazing, especially the ones they use in the garment industry for the cutting of textiles. But, for me, working out board cutting and timber component cutting, was always , the moment I well and truly got my head around the job...
  9. N

    Panel optimiser?

    It might be sad to admit this, but I quite liked working out how to cut the panels for my kitchens and wardrobes from 8x4 sheets. I used to sketch them out on A4 , with each piece of paper representing a board. A sort of Sudoku for woodworkers. Some of the trickier combinations often required...
  10. N

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Not woodwork, I know, but a couple of key tassels, Silk, shell, coral and turquoise. Something to tick off from my "To Finish" list. from last year. :giggle:
  11. N

    Black walnut cheaper alternative

    I've always found it odd, where old furniture is concerned - that the pieces of furniture can sell for less than the cost of the wood that they are made of. Not something that happens with antique silver - where the minimum price is the silver price.
  12. N

    Black walnut cheaper alternative

    You can stain Cherry to give a pretty convincing Walnut look. I have done it myself when I could not afford Walnut. Perhaps I should rephrase that - It wasn't financially viable as the Armoire I was rebuilding couldn't have been sold for anything like the cost of the Walnut needed for the...
  13. N

    Elektra Beckum HC 260 2200 WNB

    These just seem to go on for years and years. My own one, I've had for just over 40 years and it's still going strong. They are noisy old machines but pretty robust. Lots of the Chinese clones are copies of this very successful design If you are after a spiral blade then it will probably be...
  14. N

    How good are Howdens kitchens?

    I believe you still have to have a trade account with them, to buy their kitchens. There are two price lists, one showing the price for the customer, the other showing the price for the tradesman. The profit margin when installing a kitchens is not only dependent on the installation charges...
  15. N

    Anyone handy with plaster?

    Problems arise if the undercoat plaster is bone dry, This will invariably suck water out of the topcoat before it has time to harden. No doubt this is why plasterers used to thoroughly wet the walls. It isn't a problem if the undercoat plaster is still fresh as it will still retain enough...
  16. N


    Has there been a full moon recently? That might explain things. :giggle:
  17. N

    ..."The road is likely to remain closed for some time " ????

    A few UKWorkshop members and a chainsaw could quickly clear that. :giggle:
  18. N

    Global Warming

    Our lawn is mostly under water today, and I've been on flood watch with my workshop since early this morning, It was about an inch away from floor level so it's very much in the lap of the gods at present. I believe it is also going to rain again, tomorrow - It is all getting to be, too much...
  19. N

    Exterior Masonry Paint

    The colours offered by Farrow and Ball were a godsend years ago, especially if one was decorating period properties. The quality of the paint however often left a lot to be desired. The best option was always to get it mixed up in a paint you trusted, which with the modern mixing machines, where...
  20. N

    Gluing glass

    All the glass I have seen glued to itself seems to use, either epoxy, a hot glue gun, or silicone. In the case of aquariums, the silicone is probably uv cured to avoid harm to the fish. so I can't see why a standard silicone wouldn't work in this particular instance. If some flexibility is...