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  1. P

    New guy with a blank canvas

    Here you go:- LED Workshop Lighting - LED Panels on eBay - Thoroughly recommended [THUMBS UP SIGN]
  2. P

    Mafell MT55 in the hands of a plunge saw newbie

    Best way to cut the rubber strip cleanly at the start of a new rail is to join two rails together and begin your cut on the older rail. If you don’t have a rail with the strip already cut, then with Mafell it’s relatively easy to take the strip,off as it’s held in place with interlocking...
  3. P

    Recomendation/s wanted please - SMALL sound recorder

    I have the Tascam DR-05, it works well but I find the menu system almost impenetrable - I keep the manual handy; the Zoom H1 has many of the same functions as hardware switches, so restricting for some (on/off) but straightforward. I’d prefer a smartphone app any day as I find the software...
  4. P

    Other rail saws worth considering, apart from Festool?

    Sorry, a bit late to this thread, and thanks to all who’ve recommended my vids. I have the Festool (and the Screwfix Titan) I’ve used the Mafell and DeWalt, played with the Makita, and owned the small Mafell crosscut. The Triton is visually very similar to the Screwfix Titan but has soft...
  5. P

    Suggestions for starting again.

    Woodbrains You do seem to be concentrating/fixating on what you can’t do, rather than what you can. My workshop is only slightly larger than yours, and half is given over to storage, so the actual workspace is likely smaller. Ceiling height is less than 8’ - unfortunately... And yet I run my...
  6. P

    Scum of the earth

    Have to agree. I have every sympathy for anyone who’s been done over, but I’ve had my van broken into a couple of times and lost nothing but time and money to replace the locks etc... because I’ve always emptied my van at the end of every working day, no matter how knackered I was. The guys who...
  7. P


    I’m finding many companies - though not all - respond faster to twitter messages these days than emails. Worth setting up an account just for that. P
  8. P

    Erbauer plunge saw track

    Man, it really was a ‘spur of the moment’ purchasing decision, wasn’t it :D Erbauer’s a bigger saw, bigger blade, bigger motor, more depth of cut, has soft-start, variable speed, comes with a 48-tooth blade, and costs half as much again as the Titan. Other than that, not much in it, no ;)
  9. P

    Maestri ME30

    And ear defenders, I hope [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
  10. P

    Erbauer plunge saw track

    The Titan’s a good saw for the money - the standard blade is surprisingly good, even in chip-prone MFC. No soft-start on the Titan and it’s all a bit ‘rough and ready’ but it’s a great entry-level tracksaw. I did a comparison with the Festool (‘Festool v Cheap tool’) for my YouTube - general...
  11. P

    Maestri ME30

    The ME 606 and ME30 are both 18g brad guns, just the ME 606 also does staples. I use 20 & 25mm brads & staples almost exclusively in my 606. I also have the Spotnails ME30 08 21g pin gun, and use a wider range of sizes for that. I buy my pins and staples from Spotnails. HTH P
  12. P

    Erbauer plunge saw track

    Definitely the neoprene strips underneath - I have the Makita sacrificial strips on most of my rails as I prefer the black rubber to Festool’s translucent strip. My Makita rails have never been as grippy as my Festools, even when they were new, so no, it’s not dust, just in case anyone was...
  13. P

    Erbauer plunge saw track

    Just asked the question on twitter; yes, the Erbauer saw us compatible with Makita (ergo Titan, Festool etc...) rails. Also confirmed in the Screwfix ‘Q&A’ section under the saw listing[THUMBS UP SIGN] HTH P
  14. P

    Erbauer plunge saw track

    Sorry, bit late to the thread. FWIW Festool tracks aren’t that much more expensive than others these days, and I do find them better than eg the Makita - more grippy, certainly. Also the lip the Makita rails have can get in the way of some of the accessories (e.g. parallel guides) so just bear...
  15. P

    NAILER / STAPLER - best option

    That’d be Maestri; had mine for donkeys years, completely bulletproof. Put off buying one for ages (price) but worth every penny if you have the need for one, long-term. I’ve forgotten how many Tacwise nailer/staplers I’d gone through prior to getting the Maestri - too many, and best avoided...
  16. P

    Invoicing software

    Good for you. But that’s not something you can do now; as I said above, the accounts/invoicing software racket has largely gone to a monthly-subscription format - quickbooks ‘self-employed’ plan would cost £54+vat for the first year, and £72 +vat for each subsequent year, so your 16 years of...
  17. P

    Invoicing software

    No, QuickSale is a totally different product, from an iOS developer - I do think that the whole accounting/invoicing/time-tracking software has become a bit of a racket, what with the monthly ‘subscription’ charges making it hard to move away. Doesn’t sit right...
  18. P

    Invoicing software

    It’s something I look for periodically, but the costs for a one-man-band sole trader are pretty wild (or maybe I’m just cheap) especially when you have to commit to monthly fees just to keep your account active. Out of interest (for those who subscribe to a service) do you know what happens if...
  19. P

    ID mobile network..any good?

    I’m on a SIM only agreement with Vodafone., no problem. I’ve found Vodafone to be very good (especially if you travel abroad) - far better than O2 who I was with previously, though amusingly, I always found O2s customer service to be excellent. Cheers, Peter
  20. P

    Rutlands plunge saw.

    Out of interest, did it come with a 1400mm rail or 2x700s ? Just curious as the Screwfix Titan comes with 2x700s, but they’re weirdly thick, so can’t readily be joined to Makita or Festool rails.