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  1. P

    Festool knock down connectors

    Haven’t done a video on them yet, but I’ve used the Domino connectors for the small Domino quite a bit and they’re excellent. I bought the full kit as it was all there was when they were first available, but you can save about £90 by just buying the bits you need, rather than ending up with all...
  2. P

    Prevention of damp in raw chipboard edges.

    Wood hardener. It’s clear, easy to apply carefully with a disposable brush, and soaks right in.
  3. P

    Help with scribing...

    Thanks! Scribing’s one of those things that you only ever need to do during an install, so it’s always difficult to shoot video simply because of the time pressures; classic case in point was during the install of my earlier ‘big job’ I had a face-frame cabinet that would have been perfect for a...
  4. P

    Assistance re- Bathroom built in cabinet please

    Button-fix are good for this kind of lift-off panel fixing, though if you’re battening the left-hand wall for concealed hinges on the lower door, why not just keep it as two doors and clip the top door off it’s hinges when you need to have the boiler serviced?
  5. P


    +1 for Human Dimensions and Interior Space - great book. Most wardrobe carcasses I make are around 1900 high, and sit on a ~100mm plinth. If you want to make use of the space above the carcass then a top-box is a good way to go, unless the ceiling’s so tight it makes it look silly, in which...
  6. P

    Alcove cupboard and drop down desk

    Hi Dan. I usually use 4x1 redwood for the plinths, so a finished size of around 95mm. I do try to keep it as close to the fooor as possible though; if you’ve seen my vids you’ll know that I tend to level up the plinth with thin wedges, so there’s usually not that much of a gap. Yours shouldn’t...
  7. P

    Paint Sprayer for DIY use

    I don’t disagree. But in fairness, I don’t think anyone is suggesting it’s as easy as buying a sprayer and slapping in some paint, either. As for ‘learning to spray from scratch for a one-off job’ well, that depends on the size of the job, really. Five doors? Yes, I’d absolutely say that was...
  8. P

    You Tube Vids

    Mike was a ‘pick of the week’ early on in the podcast, and we’ve chatted a bit since then. Very nice guy, very down to earth. Apparently his workshop isn’t all that large - just ‘around 2500 sq ft...’; I guess it’s the camera angles that make it seem bigger, lol!
  9. P

    Paint Sprayer for DIY use

    Thanks Custard. To clarify, the reason for the initial, extreme overspray has been identified and (I think - it was only only quite recent) dealt with, but there is still the general issue of overspray, though it appears to be less than when I tried hvlp. As I say, more to come on the story...
  10. P

    Paint Sprayer for DIY use

    Thanks! The ‘Playing at Spraying’ series is 8 parts in total (only 4 have been posted so far) and come out on Tuesdays at noon. I have another series ‘Big Job...’ running concurrently, that comes out on Fridays, Part 5 Just posted recently. There’s more to come with the spraying story overall...
  11. P

    Paint Sprayer for DIY use

    Just to be clear, I’m talking about Graco’s Ultra series handheld sprayers (confusingly they have a big industrial sprayer called the Ultramax). They’re relatively recent, and I’ve only had mine since late Jan / early Feb. I’ve had a professional painter & decorator pal call them a...
  12. P

    Paint Sprayer for DIY use

    To be fair it’s been a particularly busy first half to the year (!) and whilst I don’t contribute an awful lot here I do look in regularly to see if I can offer anything - my apologies, I missed this thread. I think an awful lot has been covered here already, so I’ll just add my few thoughts...
  13. P

    White gloss spray finish - total spraying beginner

    Thanks, yes, I came to that conclusion afterwards. As I think I mentioned in that video, I only had an hour or so to do nine of these, and I just had to get on with it...
  14. P

    White gloss spray finish - total spraying beginner

    Thanks! We get to the clean up towards the end of the series (8 in total) and it isn’t at all onerous in this particular range.
  15. P

    White gloss spray finish - total spraying beginner

    Thanks! And it’s not over yet...
  16. P

    White gloss spray finish - total spraying beginner

    I’ve just finished a 4-5 month ‘soak test’ of the Graco Ultramax cordless airless sprayer, might be of some interest? Part 1 of the 8-Part video series starts here :- Playing at Spraying P1 (#188)
  17. P

    Makita track saw blades

    Treat this as FWIW, but I standardised on the Festool 28-tooth ‘universal’ blade in my tracksaws long ago, and haven’t seen any difference in the quality of cut vs the ‘standard’ 48t. Much better general-purpose blade though, and esp. for ripping e.g. sink cut-outs. Anti-kickback stop might be...
  18. P

    First air nailer gun kit. Looking for recommendations

    As Custard said above, that’s a really cheap electric nailer (see also Tacwise, Rapesco et al) and they do tend to be rubbish, as you’ve discovered. But you shouldn’t let that bad experience of a cheap, inadequate tool put you off the entire category.
  19. P

    Wifi Doorbell

    We have the Ring Video Doorbell ( it’s pretty good, though it can be a bit laggy sometimes - if the courier is ‘on a mission’ then they can be away before you can answer/get to the door. But overall I’m glad we have it - the motion sensor is useful, if a little over-sensitive for...