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  1. S

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    Wow. £80 ! I’ve paid a lot more than that, but still less than I paid for my palm router. So , I’m hearing this machine has no access to the pulleys, so you have to accept the one single spindle speed, agree ?
  2. S

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    Thanks. So a fixed speed not so much of a problem for a diy owner? I have a proper 16a install with commando sockets, so abw it’ll be good to go.
  3. S

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    Found this via ALT SAWS site. States it runs at a fixed 6000rpm it seems, and is 3hp on single phase.
  4. S

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    Thanks, I just did, about £8 in English money. Most of the thing is in French lol. Tells me Diddly squat really. I’m now thinking this T30 was a bit of a sham machine, that they created from the universal saw,spindle,planer. A spin off if you like. The manual is really unclear as to which parts...
  5. S

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    So I’ve googled the hell outta these, can’t see anywhere that is says 1kw ? Phase 1 , yes. Can’t find much atall online about the spec. Nothing to download I’ve found
  6. S

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    Thankyou :-) Yes I think the seller suggested it’s just the startup that would cause it
  7. S


    I used the ratio on my latest project in the rectangles created on my rose arbor.
  8. S

    Garage Shelves Advice

    What is going on the shelves, or what’s the heaviest ? Can you put the heaviest items lower ? Will heavy items spread their weight or be a stress on a small section ? That’ll help decide the dimensions and fixings. Unless it’s all just lightweight stuff. In which case cheapest possible 2x3s...
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    Tewkesbury Saw

    Sad to hear this.
  10. S

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    Just purchased my first SM. Will be collecting it with any luck next weekend. Thanks to all on here for giving me the confidence to go ahead and not spend £2k on a fancy router table set up. Deema’s thread especially useful. I’ve done a ton of research, you tube, etc. Hoping to get a diy kitchen...
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    Spindle Moulders!

    So I’ve been lurking and researching, and got very very interested in dumping £2k on a Jessem excel table. But I’m aware I do get drawn in by gorgeous engineering and fancy shiny extrusions 😂. So now I think I’ve seen the light, and am tempted to look at spindle moulder options. I had a kity...
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    Adapting Axminster worktop

    Any updates , I’m researching a router table combo, starting from zero really. Jessem looks amazing, how is it working for you ?
  13. S

    Replacement rip fence for Startrite TA275 DS

    So you mean the steel fence section that is bolted to the casting, right ?
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    Replacement rip fence for Startrite TA275 DS

    Ok. Is there anything online to advise on fettling the fence please Deema ?
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    Replacement rip fence for Startrite TA275 DS

    I’ve been looking into this just recently. Mines a TA 275 , which it seems just means it has no sliding table. Exact same saw. The fence is okish. I felt it was a step up from my kity 419 which I’d had for twenty years or so. But now I’m looking at getting into finer work, I’m carefully...
  16. S

    Mitre gauge - bar depth (V27)

    Well, as that’s only half an hour away… you’re on ! I did see the uhmw bar, but wondered if it was robust enough to suit mitre gauge use