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  1. Mikebart

    Best pipe size for CamVac and tablesaw

    Couple of points 100 mm cuffs that screw onto flexi pipe work Axminster hose is right hand thread. Record Power is left hand thread. Don’t ask me how I know🙈 My ts200 table saw has a 35mm hose from the crown guard to a 100 mm outlet and a 50mm ish hose underneath the blade guard to the same...
  2. Mikebart

    Breaking News: Post Office Scandal

    I do watch a lot of films 😳
  3. Mikebart

    Breaking News: Post Office Scandal

    I watched Fridays inquiry or part of it, lawyers explaining how email systems have changed over the years, lack of backups, and how much time and cost would be incurred in trying to trace email documents that may or may not be of relevance.
  4. Mikebart

    Breaking News: Post Office Scandal

    Not defending the PO investigator, but the word “scapegoat “ springs to mind and yes in some situations he was following orders. His actions were being investigated by an expert QC. I really can’t believe that subsequent convictions were based solely on his evidence. How he actually carried out...
  5. Mikebart

    Breaking News: Post Office Scandal

    Have a look at Royal Mail and ParcelForce and what’s going on there. Have a look at Wilco Have a look at HS2 Have a look at the NHS British gas Integrity is a big word in all ( tied in with money)
  6. Mikebart


    I agree with you about the UJK lift but I have the UJK fence with micro adjust fitted to a UJK laminate top with UJK 10mm insert running a Triton TR1 router and is excellent and would recommend it as an’s a shame that a good quality fence is not a requirement or affordable for...
  7. Mikebart

    I'm in the wrong job

  8. Mikebart

    Breaking News: Post Office Scandal

    Thorough inquiry there is no such thing I watched most of the Covid inquiry the statement to Tell the truth The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God, went out the window before it even started. I just wish there was an answer to it all. It’s not a new thing.
  9. Mikebart

    Electric vehicles

    I remember the elation and relief when I passed my driving test I had the ability to be independent go where I want whenever I wanted. Ev or ICE is not really the issue but the acceptance of lack of personal freedom that will be required to combat climate issues. Fortunately I am getting to the...
  10. Mikebart

    Breaking News: Post Office Scandal

    Unfortunately this just highlights the attitude of government and big business private or not. We are all ultimately responsible.
  11. Mikebart

    I'm in the wrong job

    Feel your pain, We moved couple of years ago and had a shared septic tank with our neighbours house rented out by the local farmer who as most farmers do suggested we install a new tank in our garden unfortunately his waste pipe ran through the bottom of our garden and the shared tank was in his...
  12. Mikebart

    Electric vehicles

    Trouble is it’s a bit like restricting smoking, but not doing the same with alcohol.
  13. Mikebart

    Powerline adapter

    Well I purchased a new smart tv before Christmas and had been playing using apple airplay with my iPad, last night I had a request on my tv asking if I wanted to accept my neighbours iPhone onto my network I assume through the adjoining wall. I had forgot to turn airplay off which I assume was...
  14. Mikebart

    Powerline adapter

    Thinking about it I had to link the devices to use and a third one would have to be linked with the master one, so even if electrically possible there is still the access to the master unit. I didn’t think it would be a problem but thanks for the replies 👍
  15. Mikebart

    Powerline adapter

    I have a pair of BT powerline adapters connected from router to socket in the conservatory with Ethernet connection to run a smart tv, works fine better that using the wi-fi. No security procedures when installing virtually plug and play. I have a new consumer unit fitted with surge protector...
  16. Mikebart

    Council charges and DIY refuse

    I purchased a bag of cement, £4.50 didn’t use it and it got damp ,I had to pay £5 to dispose of it at the local tip.😳
  17. Mikebart

    The screw up fairy…

    I have my own fairy, She fills my car up with her rubbish, puts things in my workshop and doesn’t speak English 🙈
  18. Mikebart

    Electrical question

    If I understand your question, The kitchen circuit is not tripping but the main incoming is that runs the boiler, 20a breaker should not trip before a 16a breaker unless, there is a temporary overload on the 16a breaker causing a trip on the 20a breaker due to the response time. Or a fault on...
  19. Mikebart

    Festool domino: benefits + price

    It does sound cheap but it may be genuine only one way to find out.
  20. Mikebart

    Electric vehicles

    I think a lot of people would be surprised to learn what working hours some employers insist that you work if you want a job. I am now retired but have spent my working life in various hands on jobs, some good and some not too good. My last company got taken over and went the fire/rehire route...