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  1. M


    We still have Pine Martens, the wildlife sorts itself out. Of course there are also the hunters, who shoot anything that moves, including each other and bystanders, people looking for mushrooms, or chopping wood in their own garden ,or even just driving along.
  2. M

    Looking for a tap of a certain variety

    How deep is the hole, what is the diametre, this has ( I think ) 150mm extension bar, weld the tap into a small socket. or weld one of the small adapter bits ( bottom left of box...
  3. M

    Walnut and Burr Walnut jewellery boxes

    Gorgeous box :)
  4. M

    Teaching - Drilling

    I thought ( crazy thought ) maybe a clockwork drill, so put that into DDG, and found that indeed yes they exist(ed).Totally unsuitable for what you want as they were invented back in 1854 by a dentist George Fellows Harrington for his dentistry work. But , as the patents must have run out...
  5. M

    Air compressor and airbrush

    Car cutaways is the kind of thing I was trained to do back in the early 70s, subject of my BA course, "medical and scientific illustration", that kind of work in airbrush was already becoming redundant due to early computers ( which were mainframed huge things ) so we were also taught COBOL and...
  6. M

    Minimum Atmospheric CO2 percentage for plant life!

    Oh Dear...someone skipped biology, chemistry and physics..probably maths too. It is a lot more complicated than "atoms" and "compounds" ..much more to do with energy.
  7. M

    The “Monmouth” ball bearing drilling machine

    I can weld, I'm set up for stick , mig, mag, tig and oxy acetelene. Been welding since 72 .But Simple drilled tapped balls with threaded rods is what I need, and cheap, so I'll be ordering the balls from the USA, and we'll drill and tap them here ourselves. Thanks anyway, maybe useful to some...
  8. M

    Air compressor and airbrush

    Azteks are nice ( I've got 4 ) but they are much more of an illustrators tool* that you need for spray painting toys.If you are just doing colour areas ( with maybe fades between colours , sunbursts )and not line detail the badger VLS will be an ideal workhorse for larger areas, and either a...
  9. M

    The “Monmouth” ball bearing drilling machine

    I know, I have around a half dozen of them ( but didn't know what they were called in English ) , but they only have one size of ball ( small about about 12mm diametre ) only two balls per tool and they are not always threaded, some appear to have the rod and ball cast as one piece from...
  10. M

    The “Monmouth” ball bearing drilling machine

    Just realised that I hadn't replied to @ChaiLatte and @Fergie 307 . Firstly, thanks to ChaiLatte I know know what to ask suppliers of ball bearings in the USA ( who are far far cheaper than any UK or EU ones , even taking into account shipping and customs and TVA ) for, as regards to type of...
  11. M

    Have you noticed....

    There is an upside of a hill , to every downside of a hill, depending on one's point of view.
  12. M

    It must be windy....
  13. M

    What to look for buying a used wooden plane?

    Dozens of these at every brocante and car boot sale here, good one go for €10.oo each, rough ones 2-5 each. Also in this region loads of clog chisels and gouges, similar to turning chisels and gouges, but scaled up by about 50%.
  14. M

    Have you noticed....

    Unfortunately Paul that will not be the case.Since I last mentioned his arriving EV here he has thought about the limited range ( Dacia Spring, range 200-250km with nothing switched on ). He announced today that he will use the EV to go to his bank ( once per month, round trip 2km, to go to the...
  15. M

    How to achieve this colour?

    It will get darker, more golden with time as the wood surface reacts to light. Right now it is fine, later it will be fine too..leave it with two coats of what you have.
  16. M

    Minimum Atmospheric CO2 percentage for plant life!

    pdf saved for later reading..cheers (y)
  17. M

    Have you noticed....

    Agree about the infrastructure not being remotely in place for everyone to go EV..but if they want the average person to beleive them, they have to drastically drop the prices, or make the subventions to buy only available to those who do not make more than twice the minimum wage, or preferably...
  18. M

    Have you noticed....

    If the various governments were really serious about EVs, they'd make the price something that most peoplecould afford, most people would then buy them, and a large part of the energy / pollution problem would be solved. Instead they offer subsidies at purchase of an EV, but not enough, so only...
  19. M


    From that link Note the parts about the acidity of water around moss..that does not just apply to sphagnum moss.
  20. M


    Board did an Oooops!