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  1. I

    Looking for CamVac advice

    You need at least the volume of air moved by your old extractor to get enough velocity in a 100mm pipe to carry sawdust, (espcially upwards!) The camvac would struggle here. Bigger stuff from a PT which partly blocks the pipe could be moved by the Camvac because to generates a higher vaccuum...
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    Mortgage rates / interest etc

    Obviously governments cannot do just what they please, as they are subject to the world environment; ably demonstrated in the UK recently... 1/However, if you look for it, you'll see that the people of countries where the range of earnings top to bottom is low, appear to be more content. 2/The...
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    Decent UK Plywood Suppliers

    Todays OSB fron builders merchants is crap. Just had some 12mm delivered. Once each face was covered in wide strips giving a slightly uneven surface, but "solid". New stuff has about 25% "solid" coverage, the rest is splintery core exposed, so peppered with quite deep holes. Premium price of course!
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    Headband Magnifier/Glasses with LED

    I got some workshop glasses made. The optician (non chain) asked a lot of Qs and said let me work something out, extending the range of sharpness with my eyes adjusting depth of field. I finished up with occupational varifocals (wide varifocal bit) that, together with my eye focussing, let me...
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    3 Phase Generator

    If your village wires are overhead on poles, you would expect to see 4. One each for the 3 phases, and one neutral. As myfordman says. you would be fed by one of the 3 phases and neutral (230V). We got lucky being on site at our house under construction, on connection day, and persuaded the crew...
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    Optimising hot water schedule

    We have a very large shoulder ht. cylinder, as on economy 7. The thermostat at the base of the cylinder has been set to 50 deg for the last 33 years. I guess it might get hotter at the top. We have been free of legonaires so far...
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    Pillar drill not true

    I have an old (dull blue) Axminster pillar drill. This had only modest run out, but a lot of slop, especially in the lower bearing which allowed a rotary wobble when drill under pressure. Replacing the bearings made a new drill out of it. The table (round) was dished badly. A new table (2 layers...
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    Woodworking for cats

    We've had kittens in pairs mostly, and just provided upturned cardboard boxes, with cut out entrance / exits at floor level and a hole on top for poking down. hours of fun and very cheap! Also good hidy hole for newcomers. Last female we had ignored a bed in the workshop and always curled up on...
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    Dry Heat Heater

    A knotty problem. Even intermittent dry heat can cause condensation, as us humans loose moisture to the air, along maybe with your timber store, when switching on heat raises the air temperature. Warmer air holds more moisture, and when you switch off and leave you may well get condensation on...
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    Polyurethane Varnish

    Google Johnstones matt woodstain. A trade low build product available in CLEAR, also in satin. This is interior/exterior grade, solvent based. For durability outside 2 topcoats of satin clear is reccomended, the low build product aiding penetration and adhesion of topcoat.
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    Axminster AW12BSB2 Sliding Table Saw for a serious hobbyist

    Presumably your ring main has a 30A domestic standard breaker. These come in various types - I do not mean current overload ratings - but the trip rating. This is usually close to the stated current - the 30A, but on the other extreme, a 30A type D breaker, which will still trip at a continued...
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    Bandsaw tension meter build questions

    Here's a simple tension "meter": Shopmade Tension Gauge - FineWoodworking. No need to be a subscriber for this one. Also posts here have shown a digital caliper (£10 Lidl) jigged up to do the same job. It's held to the blade with tiny 25mm G clamps. It's what I use. Search posts for bandsaw...
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    Anyone used a radial arm saw for ripping lengths of timber

    Edit - we've never had a kickback
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    Anyone used a radial arm saw for ripping lengths of timber

    I rip regularly on my 10" long arm deWalt. You must always feed against the saw. You must always set the anti kickback fingers. You must aways have, and set the riving knife. The latter is probably not essential for man made boards. We have a 2M long table, and a roller outfeed. With a larger...
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    DeWalt DW1201 radial arm saw

    You often see dogs trtotting along, body a few degrees to one side of their overall direction. The blade should be exactly in line (or motor shaft at 90 deg to) the path of the blade over the table. Google for a free manual which should show all the adjustments. The biggest blade it can take is...
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    Wickes advertise hardwood ply, but deliver softwood ply

    Both products are advertised as having a B grade face (B/CC and B/BB) so whilst the softwood structural will have a very rough reverse, the face should not be wildly different from the non structural hardwood, surely (smooth tight knots, loose knots patched?)
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    Heating in a garden room???

    For seldom used situation a non refrigerant dehumidifier may be a better bet. These absorb moisture from the air, and recover it as water by heating the absorbing medium. You get freedom from damp and mildew and about 350 watts worth of heating - not much but useful in a small space.
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    Heating in a garden room???

    Burn a litre of hydrocarbon fuel, you get 5 litres of water released into the atmosphere, unless the heater is roomsealed. There used to be roomsealed gas heaters for homes, could use bottled gas, but this not cheap either.
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    Sold Workshop Electronic Paraffin Heater + Jerry Can + Paraffin

    Hello paraffin, hello lots of rust... Unless roomsealed with external exhaust vent, burning 1 litre of paraffin will give you about 5litres of water as water vapour. Similar for LPG, unless roomsealed. Not a brilliant idea.
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    Track saw / Plunge saw advice please

    Not all track saws are of the hinge forward plunge type; some Mafells drop into the work on 2 columns, like a plunge router. The main advantage of an expensive saw is a more stable blade/shaft, so the blade tips run more stably, which reduces the possibility of chipping the edges of the cut...