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  1. T

    Good beginners lathe

    Thanks for all the advice guys. I'll let you know how I get on. Tom
  2. T

    Good beginners lathe

    Thanks Yorkie but I couldn't go that high I'm Sheffield is a long way from Wiltshire! Thanks anyway though. Any views on that Record on ebay? Its one of these....
  3. T

    Good beginners lathe

    oops, thank Chas, I'll remember that in future.
  4. T

    Good beginners lathe

    Thanks for those suggestions folks. That looks like a decent machine. Also, is there anything I should be looking out for second hand that would fit into that price range and that commonly crops up on ebay, free ads etc? One of these any good for example?!
  5. T

    Good beginners lathe

    Hi all, Hope you can help, my brother and I are planning to get our dad a lathe for his 60th. I was hoping you could recommend me something. Obviously I'm a bit clueless so be patient! He's not done it before as far as I'm aware but has always expressed an interest. Our budget is probably around...