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  1. C

    Cascamite WBP

    I carefully cut off the front line on the joint with a craft knife and filled the void with osmo walnut filler, it seems to have come out quite well. cheers for the suggestions. now its time to cut the lid off and cant decide between using my bosch table saw or the bandsaw. never tried the...
  2. C

    Advice on retaining chamfer definition

    normally a block of wood with sandpaper attached, but seeing how small that chamfer is, id make something specific.
  3. C

    Cascamite WBP

    you sir, vastly overestimate my ability :)
  4. C

    Cascamite WBP

    thats what im thinking, I have some walnut filler. and after a couple of coats of osmo that don't look too bad. I think its going to be stanly knife and magnifying glass for a bit with some headphones on or might go shopping for a tiny v-chisel
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    Cascamite WBP

    not sure if/how this can be saved :/
  6. C

    Cascamite WBP

    that ship has sailed. im not sure if this can be saved or binned
  7. C

    Time to pack it all in....

    ....and it will all have to be paid back by the rest of the taxpayers and our children....
  8. C

    Cascamite WBP

    oh bugger....a very expensive mistake has just been made. I just found that aerolite leaves a nice white glue line which isn't ABW
  9. C

    Planing Oak Sleepers with an Electric Planer
  10. C

    Festool Rotex 125 or ETS EC 150/5

    I have both 150's, the rotex in geared mode is a beast to handle, but in random mode its ok. the ets ec is a dream to use but they have different uses, the ets is classed as a finish sander
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    pm sent lol
  12. C


    I don't we? I am a storage engineer for an american internet company in Hayes......and thats my real name :)
  13. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    As we recently moved, it was decided for some of the bedroom stuff to just go with cheap ikea pieces until i get round to doing some built-ins. this is the result of adding an oak mirror type thing to an ikea "oak veneered, (read plastic)" malm unit
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    I noticed that theres a bizarre amount of IT people here....and a lot including me want to give it up but cant afford to. luckily I can hit wood with a hammer as my company looks down on hitting EMC gear :/
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    Bike pump

    i just picked the first that came up, id definitely go for a clip on as opposed to a screw on though. that 2 pack is screw on. cheapest clip on i could see thats not coming from china is...
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    Bike pump

    car/motorcycle are normally only Schreader valves, i havent seen one that isnt....saying that im only 45 so theres still time
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    Bike pump

    it really isnt that difficult
  18. C


    You should try cancelling Virgin, i actually had to write a letter and post it to them like a heathen. By the way id go back to them in a heartbeat, I rarely had any issue, but there's just no Virgin where i moved to
  19. C

    3M ABEK filters life?

    its really for the odd coat of sanding sealer, which tends to make my head spin, I will also use for the odd coat of pre-cat, but alas that won't happen until i can sort out some kind of extractor and pop-up-booth-type-arrangement both masks stay in an airtight container when not in use just to...