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  1. D

    Wood indentification

  2. D

    Table top joiners?

    Just one word of caution - weight. Even modern doors are not THAT light, and full size can be a bit of a pain to wave around. Without wanting to be sexist, will this be OK for your seamstress friend? (Though if her sewing machines are anything like the weight of SWMBO's Bernina, she probably...
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    Unseizing cast iron wheels

    If you go down the blowlamp route, make sure you play the heat on the wheel, not the axle, as noted above. Diesel and patience is probably your best bet. Don't think WD40 works particularly well on existing corrosion, it's intended for dispersing water, not penetrating. Or, as suggested, cut...
  4. D

    New adjustable banjo for my Record Power DML24 Lathe??

    .... and you can be sure that the spanner will be fouling on something, wherever you weld it! Hence suggestion of (OK, go for better quality) Bristol lever.
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    New adjustable banjo for my Record Power DML24 Lathe??

    Not an ideal solution, but would substituting a bristol locking lever for the existing work? That's the system on the Mystro and it's OK.
  6. D

    Large hawthorn stump

    Mattock and a muscle-bound friend?
  7. D

    Dirty old tools

    In Hereford diaalect, that "weed-botherer" was called a "thistle-spud". They often had a hook formed on the shoulder for pulling rather than slicing tap roots. .
  8. D

    Douglas Fir Price

    One other long shot might be Tarryblake sawmill over by Huntly. Anything he saws comes off the estate, so it's a bit pot luck, but I got some larch planks recently which were pretty good. There is a similar chap up Deeside near the Deeside Activity centre, but last time I was there he'd had a...
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    Douglas Fir Price

    Have you tried Rembrand in Inverurie? I checked out DF with them a couple of years back and they seemed reasonable.
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    Further "wildlife" help please

    If you google "goat moth timber damage", it brings up a lot of references. Basically, they seem to cause a lot of damage to individual trees, but are relatively rare and declining in numbers in the UK so the conservation bodies are quite keen tht they should be lef t in peace.
  11. D

    Fine crack in side of plane

    +1 for drilling a (small!) hole where the crack appears to end. This should prevent any further cracking. It MIGHT also help to try and infiltrate some runny epoxy into the crack?
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    Wind Powered Saw

    Would have been interesting if the guy had learned to keep the camera steady. I started getting motion sickness after about 30 seconds! When I worked with film/video, "hosepiping" was the term for that sort of camerawork and it was rightly excoriated.
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    Damn.. It's my Birthday Today

    Yep, old age ain't always good, but it's probably better than the alternative.
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    How to Cut Down Trees without a Chainsaw?

    +1 for two man saw. Properly sharpened, with a helpful person on the other end, they are (almost) a joy to use. "When I were a lad", father, grandfather and I felled a good many trees using one without too much effort. It's still in my shed - SWMBO doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it...
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    Drilling question - burns

    That was me......
  16. D

    What tool did you buy today?

    Charity auction in next village last weeknd, very poorly attended so feel slightly guilty at having bought several domestic appliances for £1 each. But did pay £50 for a cardboard box with 5 big HSS turning gouges, half a dozen carbon steel turning tool, a copy of Rowley's book, some other...
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    Switch socket with USB port...

    Surely if your socet boxes are the older steel type set into blockwork, the built in USB would be safer than one plugged in separately? (Living in a timber house, all modern phone/tablet/whathaveyou chargers scare the shhhh out of me)
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    Another Visitor

    Daily RED squirrels up here - record is six in the garden at any one time.
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    More Tankers

    There is (used to be?) a septic tank emptying company round Hereford called "Greenapple Sludge". Always seemed singularly inappropriate.
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    Lizards - Help please - DON'T laugh!

    Hate to interrupt the humour, but are lizards a protected species in Switzerland? If they are, this mught restrict your options. Might be worth checking with a local wildlife group. Never know, they might come and rehome for you?