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  1. G

    Noise levels in my workshop

    £169 in Richer Sounds
  2. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Thanks for your efforts, (And transparency!) Greg
  3. G

    Sold Laguna B-Flux Extractor

    Craig You have a PM Greg
  4. G

    turning for beginner

    And join a club, and if poss, get at LEAST a day's lesson from a quality tutor - saves HOURS of frustration Just my opinion, some prefer to patiently learn through own mistakes. I'm to impatient!
  5. G

    Lathe holidays...........

    I think it's a great idea. Obviously you're doing your homework, which is a must. How far from Barcelona are you? So I can start selling the Boss on the idea
  6. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Brilliant. Thank you all, gents Greg
  7. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Thanks ml22. If you don't mind, that's great. I'll take a look at BI, too. Cheers
  8. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Oh god! Do I need to start detailed study?!
  9. G

    Advice on Bending small bars/rods

    Not sure what thickness of solid rod it could do, but a plumbers pipe bender MIGHT work. Repeatable with a little care. About 20-30 quid. If you know a plumber they might let you try on theirs before committing the dosh
  10. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Brilliant. Thanks
  11. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Yeah, thanks. I've been spraying wd40 and cleaning out the bottom with a little pin and a wire brush. To be honest, I might be pretty close now just patiently in and out with one of the screws. If I did need a tap, I assume the size you described is 5mm diameter and the pitch is 8 ? So is that...
  12. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Thanks, Derek. That's really helpful Greg
  13. G

    Chuck jaw carrier thread

    Hi folks, I've rediscovered my long- neglected spare versa chuck jaw carriers for my axminster jaws. Embarrassingly, the threads are corroded. I've cleaned and used wd40 to get them threading, but a couple of them will not go all the way down the thread, despite repeated screwing in and out...
  14. G

    Coffee beans recommendation?

    Monsoon Estates in Stratford upon Avon.
  15. G

    Versa Chuck

    Great news. Thanks for informing us, db
  16. G

    Three-sided stools

    I'm very impressed. Well done, Derek
  17. G

    DVR-XP Question

    Why not just have a 'standard' start- stop switch between the mains and the lathe 3pin plug? Like this: Or this...
  18. G

    Drill press chuck and spindle falls out

    I have this problem. Thought it was just life, so thanks for the hints, chaps. I'm off to tell Jupiter about you helpful people 😉
  19. G

    Recommended fixing suppliers: Nuts and bolts.

    On here, bookmark or follow the thread, or if you mean the referenced sites, follow the link then bookmark or add to favourites in your browser Simples!
  20. G

    Bending Ply - recommendations

    Excellent! And a happy client. Though I've a suspicion that Mrs Mum-of-Client will be less happy if client is not careful with paint 😂