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  1. H

    Yay, someone is making a decent Bill Pentz cyclone build on youtube

    would have looked better gold plated but would it work any better. he done a good job with what he had. well done pal
  2. H

    Your worst accident or near miss

    let go of the pressure washer trigger so the pressure built in the line and the small pressure guage in the handle just nicked my ear as it shot past my head
  3. H

    Asbestos disposal

    i have seen factory units that have the asbestos sheeted over with metal cladding in poole dorset
  4. H

    help us by a power station !!

    build more electric capacity with tax payers money then sell it to foreign investors as per our water companys
  5. H

    Timber choice for external door ?

    just stick my nose in, galv nails clenched properly not just bent over is best job
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    100mm Celotex rigid insulation board installation advice and tips?

    bought about 3k s worth of 100mm celotex, ok for under floor screed but when i came to do in between rafters it had developed a 30mm to 50mm bow across the width, had to put retaining battens behind, cut to a loose fit,then screw battens across the front and foam in with foam gun. i have other...
  7. H

    How Boz

    i assume you cook with electricity, so what are your annual bills
  8. H

    How Boz

  9. H

    Hacksaw which to buy

    personally i would not buy a hacksaw with a rubber anything handle or one that you cannot turn the blade through 90 degrees
  10. H

    Lots of hot air

    a fox does
  11. H


    is it your first time watching the olympics, worst coverage ever,but lots of useless pundits instead of action
  12. H

    More price increases

    sorry my mistake just read the "from" price
  13. H

    More price increases

    on the timbercut website uk. american cherry is the same price as black walnut. how do you account for that. some people might suggest it is a case of "catch as catch can"
  14. H

    Anyone experienced with extra large workshop builds in a UK garden?

    hi, my local planners said the wokshop was not in proportion with the bungalow, so i made the bungalow higher and longer which was part of my long term plan anyway. result
  15. H

    Long Straight Edge options?

    hi, thanks for the info
  16. H

    Long Straight Edge options?

    hi, i floated the question out of interest because to set up my 300mm robland planer i used a 2mtr level that looked straight, now how straight is that, i have no way of checking without comparing it with a known datum ie. moore wright 2mtr and they cost £500. all i know is jobs like that are a...
  17. H

    Long Straight Edge options?

    got a decent german level myself its quite straight over 2mtrs,but how straight can you expect to make a wooden straight edge by eye, talking in thous.
  18. H

    Customs declarations and brexit

    if we had truly been in the eu. without all sorts of financial benefits kept from us, most people would probably have wanted to stay in. if you have travelled the continent extensively you should know what i mean