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  1. P

    Complex drilling - can you do this for me? CNC job for grabs

    For once I have a work project to put on here for assistance, I need to get someone to drill some holes in some 50mm plywood for me. - 2*25mm bits as one The grey angles we would get made elsewhere - does anyone know who might do this kind of work - there are 64 plates to do, 32 like the...
  2. P

    Simple Scroll Saw Maze

    Not sure if this truly belongs in this section but never mind. I decided to make a couple of mazes for friends with birthdays coming up shortly. The making is very simple but the working out of the layers is quite tricky. The maze is made of 5 layers of 3mm MDF (ply or whatever) 140*180mm...
  3. P

    Stack cutting limit in hardwood?

    Thank you for that information - I'm new to the game so that is higly likely -well I know I am doing it a little (which probably means a lot) I'm not sure the blade is dull as I used a few to see if the blade was at fault, sadly it looks like the error is all down to me. I broke a few getting to...
  4. P

    Stack cutting limit in hardwood?

    Many thanks for that, I did check before cutting but it was fine - checked last night and it was a little off. When you said cut a block - I cut an 18mm block is that thick enough for your test? I did that with oak and it was absolutely fine - I shall try with a thicker piece tonight I guess...
  5. P

    Stack cutting limit in hardwood?

    Greetings all, I am trying to cut some puzzles in hardwood (about 5mm each) where it is a pattern rather than a picture and half the pieces swap over to give a two tone end result. This means I am trying to cut through 10mm of hardwood with a puzzle blade (Flying Dutchman) which is proving...
  6. P

    Plastic thrust bearing - I think I use this lot for my bearings, belts etc. (but generally work are paying so I don't notice the price so much) might be worth a call, they have always been very helpful.
  7. P

    Insert Nut Advice

    Generally I use 7-7.5mm drill depending on material density - I would recomend a T-bar allen key to put them in as then you are pushing square into the material (which is harder to do with the L-shaped keys) Drill a very shallow recess for the head with a small forstner bit (select the inserts...
  8. P

    Cyclone Central - what did you use for a drop box?

    The metal drums i have are 19*28" (480*710mm) About £8.50 to courier on a 5 day service - (everyone else has a west country surcharge) - offer open to whoever wants
  9. P

    Cyclone Central - what did you use for a drop box?

    I have some 20ish gallon clip-top metal drums if anyone is interested - (I have one as a pooter pot for my extract) - three spare in Southampton / Whiteparish (Salisbury) and can probably get more if required, cost of shipping only, free if you collect, i will put up some dimentions is anyone...
  10. P

    stair project - which book will help me?

    Constructing Staircases, Balustrades and Landings William P. Spence ISBN 13: 978-0-8069-8101-7 ISBN 10: 0-8069-8101-7 I found this useful for building theatrical sets. Good diagrams but of course it depends on what yo uare aiming to do. was available from APTC and I think Flint's in London.
  11. P

    Iroko Doors and Panel WIP for shed cupboard thing.

    Thanks for the pictures, I had assumed wedges but could not figure how - I like the look of them - might give them a go - one day a project will arise that requires them! Cheers, Phil
  12. P

    Iroko Doors and Panel WIP for shed cupboard thing.

    Please excuse my ignorance ... you look to be very carefully morticing at an angle - and the frame is square when assembled, why are the mortices angled?
  13. P

    Wooden Toy Train

    Thanks Steve Yup, marbles were 25mm and only for me to play with (well you have to make sure it all works) and are still in the workshop (waiting for that time when they come in useful!) I found some longer pieces of dowel etc. when I gave the set to my niece.
  14. P

    Turning Cartwheels

    I thought that as I was posting, I would go for it again. Well the title's a double lie really, they are not real cart wheels and they are not turned - but never mind. I was asked to make these for a theatrical production (another one) which needed some wheels - they are planned to be load...
  15. P

    Wooden Toy Train

    As ever I never take anough pictures of the job in process - this was my first attempt at anything in hard-wood. From Les Neufeld's book of "Toys that teach" (APTC and others supply) I chose this as each part is small and you can happily mess each bit up a couple of times without ruining the...
  16. P

    A bookcase for Bonnie (SWMBO)

    Nicely done Barkwindjammer, if the lady (customer) likes it, then it's perfect - just to echo previous warnings however, make sure you put a cloth over it when folks come round or you will be inundated with "I wonder if you could"s and "I was looking for exactly that"s, looking forward to the...
  17. P

    WIP - Pirate's (ish) Chest

    Well, hardware is on, it looks alright although the twist / overlaps are a bit annoying (put it down to experience!) at the sides although the small overlap at the front throws a small shadow without me having to rebate. This I think is the best shot (above)- the oil seems to have polarising...
  18. P

    WIP - Pirate's (ish) Chest

    More oil applied it looks the same but more so - I shall spare you the image - I am a little scared of rebating the lid at this juncture so I have decided to stick with the spacer idea thank you XY- but I don't have an easy way of doing the rebate - I do however have a couple of tiny axle pegs...
  19. P

    WIP - Pirate's (ish) Chest

    And another step - taking encouragement from Barkwindjammer, I have oiled the chest - it looks really nice with the exception of some small areas where I did not clear the filler properly - thankfully three year olds are not too discerning! Sadly when I trued the lid (with reference to a...
  20. P

    Toy Dinosaur

    I like it! How are the head and tail articulated? and do they run on cams off the main axles - I feel the need to make a similar model! Cheers, Phil