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  1. mrpercysnodgrass

    Finishing ash staked chair

    Ash like all very light/white timbers will yellow with age and the more it is exposed to daylight the faster it will happen. Water based lacquers do tend to slow the darkening process. I would not recommend waxing onto bare timber, the wax will just sink into the grain and disappear. So a coat...
  2. mrpercysnodgrass

    Attaching fabrics/leather to wood

    I think your best option is to nail the fabric on with upholstery tacks which you can then put a decorative strip over the top to hide the tacks ... -cut-tacks or use brass domes like these ... ls-per-100
  3. mrpercysnodgrass

    Oak door idiocy

    I got some old car door springs from my mechanic and filed teeth into the ends as others have done and although it is a bit tricky getting started once it bits in it works very well. I seem to recall Peter Sefton advertising ready made ones but I have just looked on his site and can't find any...
  4. mrpercysnodgrass


    There are many brands of nitrile gloves on the market and they all look the same but they certainly do not perform alike. After thirty years of wearing gloves and many hundreds of pounds later I have found these to be the best gloves ... mpf25.html
  5. mrpercysnodgrass

    Startrite 14-S-5 Tyres

    Thank you for that, I will check them out. Have you considered Urethane bandSaw tyres as an alternative?
  6. mrpercysnodgrass

    Colouring filler.

    Earth pigments are the best for colouring filler but they work better with some fillers than others. The colour range is limited unless you go to a really good art supplies shop like ... esins.html . The best filler colour combo is powdered lamp or veg...
  7. mrpercysnodgrass

    Oak sticky oil

    A wipe with a rag moistened with terebine driers will do the job.
  8. mrpercysnodgrass

    Startrite 14-S-5 Tyres

    Thank you for that Deema. I think my tyres are too far gone to be recut but I will have a look at doing that this evening.
  9. mrpercysnodgrass

    Startrite 14-S-5 Tyres

    My 14-S-5 tyres have become damaged and need replacing, I have swapped the top and bottom wheels over which has improved the tracking for now. I have looked and can't find anyone that replaces the rubber. I found Urethane bandSaw tyres on ebay but they only seem to come from the USA. Does...
  10. mrpercysnodgrass

    Dead flat matt clear finish advice please

    One thing to keep in mind with any matt or dead matt finish is if the object is subject to handling it will become shiny. So in the case of Distinterior's oak picture frames, they will remain matt but a table top will become shiny in patches where it has forearms and elbows rubbing the surface.
  11. mrpercysnodgrass

    Wax removal

    If you put this wax on twenty years ago and have not re-applied it should be pretty dry. I might be inclined to experiment with a section by brushing over it with a shellac sanding sealer and then painting over.
  12. mrpercysnodgrass

    What are the most difficult woods?

    Black Palm wood. Ok not strictly a wood it is the most difficult bloody awful stuff to work with but does look lovely when finished.
  13. mrpercysnodgrass

    Yellowish flecks appearing in wood as I sand

    Your table top as Sgian Dubh said is definitely solid. It is interesting to note that the edge moulding that you have not stripped has a black grain, which is good news because whatever is in the grain can be turned black again. I think your whiteish flecks can be one of two things, plaster of...
  14. mrpercysnodgrass

    Putty not skinning over.

    I had this problem several years ago. I got some Terebine driers and kneaded it into the putty (a messy job ) which speeded up the drying process a lot , that would of course require you to take the putty out and re-apply. I have always found that cold temperatures make the putty go off quicker!
  15. mrpercysnodgrass

    Old Wolf 8” pedestal grinder - buffer/polisher conversion Qs

    Plus Gas is much better than WD40. Heat is also good if you are sure it will not destroy anything else. If using heat I find the best method is to heat it up till its knhot , take the heat off, count to 20 (the metal is now contracting) then give it a slight turn to tighten (this breaks the...
  16. mrpercysnodgrass

    Metal leaf size / application tips

    Gold size is sold in drying times from 1/2 hour to 24 hours. 1/2 hour size is also known as Japan size which is what you want. The longer the drying time the flatter the varnish will settle therefor the flatter and shinier your gold. There is not really any difference in the preparation between...
  17. mrpercysnodgrass

    Table surfacing

    Antique coffee tables do not exist so I am assuming you have a table made in an antique style therefor whatever finish you put on it is not an issue. Their labour charge at £100 seems to be very reasonable especially if they are going to strip the old finish off as well. There will be many...
  18. mrpercysnodgrass


    Woodwork Joints by Charles H Hayward is an excellent book. Here is one on ebay, no picture but at a smidge over a fiver well worth adding to the library. ... :rk:1:pf:1
  19. mrpercysnodgrass

    Mylands Brushing Nitro Cellulose

    You need to thin the lacquer with a retarding or brushing thinner. Mylands should sell one that is compatible with their lacquer.