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  1. Cooper

    Small Bandsaw

    I have a bandsaw question. I have Turkey Oak from a tree from our garden that I had converted to 30mm boards. Though I stacked them with battens to dry for several of years they have bowed. The only way I can use them, to reduce waste, would be to cut along the centre and then rip the pieces...
  2. Cooper

    Workshop apron or coat

    In summer I wear an old white lab coat, in winter an old warm jacket and flat cap. In the 60s when I was a lad in Technical School there was a hierarchy of overalls, the woodwork teachers wore brown dust coats, the metalwork teachers a bluey-grey coat and the engineers white lab coats. The...
  3. Cooper

    Holly tree?

    I watched a youtube, I think was recommended on another thread here, where the chap turned two interesting pots, which he had hollowed much wider inside than the neck from green holly. On my way back from a walk in the park the other day, I came across a pile of logs a tree feller was about...
  4. Cooper


    I wonder if it would be worth you finding a local Art/Picture seller. Attractive toys could enhance their gallery window display. They would probably let you put them on show at no charge and then make a commission on sales. I think you might get higher prices this way, as on line is often about...
  5. Cooper

    Ash goblet hollowing

    Hi Paul, I watched your video and was really pleased to see how you made a barley twist by hand. I had a go this morning, making a candle stick from scraps of Bay. Quite pleased at my first attempt with a rasp. Thanks for the very clear instructions. Martin
  6. Cooper

    Dust rant

    I have a theory that the producers are not really interested in the topic and only the individuals in the show. My evidence is that whenever a really interesting technique or hand skill is being shown, just at the critical moment the picture goes to the technicians face. Contrast this to You...
  7. Cooper

    Decent tap and die set recomendations...

    I bought a set of taps from Lidl, as I thought maybe one day maybe I'll need them. Since, I have cut treads in mild steel, brass and plastic. I have been surprised and delighted by them. It has also meant I have a use for a tub off lard left over from lead plumbing. My only regret is that I...
  8. Cooper


    Butchers used it on their floors more recently than pubs. I have a question, I thought sawdust was explosive, like flour under the right circumstances, I'm sure when I worked in the toy factory they were really careful with the sawdust bins.
  9. Cooper

    Ive solved the Wellington Boots and Sock problem

    I think Threadgolds ThoroughGrip Garteretts was a spoof advert by Spike Milligan. The other one that is burned into my memory is Bonson and Snodges cigarettes
  10. Cooper

    Whale bone.

    The Worshipful Company of Horners, a City livery company, is the body that is now affiliated to the plastics industry. Presumably, as you say that when it is heated it is a natural plastic.
  11. Cooper

    Log sealing

    I use mostly found bits of wood, often rescued from tree fellers in the street. As mentioned above I split them using the first sign of a crack. I find this makes it much easier for the outer layers of the log to shrink and release the tension without the need for more cracks. Recently I have...
  12. Cooper

    Census 2021....

    In my old age I have been quite interested in my family history and the records of past censuses has been of great interest. I understand that a lot of government allocations of resources is informed by the data from the census, school places etc. The recent who-ha about the leveling up funds...
  13. Cooper

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Dinosaur Jack in the boxes, this year's wooden Easter eggs. Pear wood eggs about 12 cm pole to pole dinosaurs from Douglas fir from old tent poles.
  14. Cooper

    Home made Tipped tools

    Thank you for the advice, I'll take it. I remember now that we used heat treatment. I had colleagues and a technician who were engineers, who were only too happy to ensure things were done properly. Sadly a long time ago and they are no longer with us.
  15. Cooper

    Home made Tipped tools

    Have you a picture of a negative rake scraper edge? Years ago we used to grind blunt files as scrappers and I have a few useless files in the bottom of a tool box. Cheers Martin
  16. Cooper

    Home made Tipped tools

    That's a really interesting approach with exchangeable blades. When you have the blade in place does the head of the allen screw become flush with the handle? I'm not sure what you mean by a negative grind. How does it present to the wood? What sort of pieces do you make? I mostly make toys...
  17. Cooper

    Home made Tipped tools

    Yes from Ebay I'm really impressed by them, I use spindle gouges and scrapers in the normal course of things and with all the turning I...
  18. Cooper

    Screws VS nut inserts

    Sorry to be a pedant but what happened to dismantled? First we lost railway stations for train stations, there seems to be no end. Cheers Martin
  19. Cooper

    Home made Tipped tools

    I should have added ferrules scrap 28mm copper pipe from a piece of old plumbing. Martin
  20. Cooper

    Home made Tipped tools

    Yes Oak, rails from an old extendable table I was given. The legs ended up as croquet balls and oversize egg cups for wooden Easters eggs. Cheers Martin