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  1. S

    Restoration? Let's talk chisels

    The ride doodle is brilliant - very nicely rendered given the size and medium! I'm picturing a Samuel L Jackson-esque - "Give me my chisel - it's the one with Yo Mama on it!"
  2. S

    Restoration? Let's talk chisels

    Thanks for posting this Jimi, inspired me to dig out a few chisels my grandfather gave me last year, and a bottle of Shield 'Restore' rust remover from Secret Santa 2010. I've got a bit of pitting to remove (need to get some coarser paper) but I'm hopeful that I can get some use from a couple...
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    Nice security solution

    Is the handle held on with bolt through fixings? If not, couldn't somebody just unscrew the rose, and turn the follower with a screwdriver?
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    Disassembling wedged M&T joints

    Thanks for the responses. The bench was made in March 1950, 'cos this is stamped on the underside of the benchtop (DT / LCC / 3/ 1950). The glue line looks very much like aliphatic resin or PVA. I think I'll try Pete's solution first, sounds like my kind of plan.
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    Disassembling wedged M&T joints

    I am in the process of cleaning up an old school woodwork bench, of the type I@m sure most users are familiar with: I acquired this a good few years ago from my old uni' workshop, and I'm finally getting round to cleaning it up. I've knocked the base apart, and all the fixings are marinading...
  6. S

    Short door

    You could use a solid core blank, they're solid wood all the way through, so can be trimmed and lipped to any size.
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    Cutting bottom off doors

    I think Eric is spot on. Really giving a screwdriver some welly often means you sacrifice some control. If your hand drifts a centimetre of target with a short screwdriver you create a significant angle, and jump out of the screwhead. With a long screw driver the same 1cm creates a much...
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    Mens health and the imagining of invulnerability

    The best of luck with your treatment, and many thanks for your post. At a time like this is it would be natural, and excusable to be focusing on yourself and your recovery. That you thought of others, and how to help them avoid going through the same difficulty is really admirable. Look...
  9. S

    John Neeman at work making a chisel

    What a lovely looking thing - it's amazing what a heavy hammer can do with the right (wright!) hands behind it.
  10. S

    Credid/debit cards?

    I'd love to know how too, especially if it stops the bloody thing knobling my Oyster card. I have to keep them in separate wallets now or the Oyster won't be recognised by the RIFD scanners. Grrr....
  11. S

    Modern furniture

    So many lovely ideas - i also love the coffe table which raises and displaces to eat at. The table that walks as you push it along is too fantastic for words, I want one badly!
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    Cherry Dresser - NOW FINISHED

    Lovely work Roger, looking forwards to more updates (and banter).
  13. S

    How sharp are you Block Test

    I fond the top left corner very quickly, and managed 15,9 secs. Getting the last 3 seconds is proving brutal!
  14. S

    Routing brass?

    Aluminium can be easily cut using the same tools you would use for wood. Brass cannot, and using your router on it will likely hurt you, the router, the work piece, or possibly all three.
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    Swipe card system.

    A fire door cannot be operated by swipe cards for exit. Any door which serves as a fire exit from a building requires keyless egress. The exact type of hardware used depends on whether the door is used exclusively by employees or occupants who are briefed on the use of the exits, or untrained...
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    Jacob's critics? Looky here

    PS: Godwin's law.
  17. S

    Flooring repair

    Whilst I have no experience with flooring repair, I have done a few patches and repairs to guitars, and the problems you will encounter are the same. Any fill you do will stick out like crazy as you change position - what appears invisible from one angle will become very obvious from another...
  18. S

    New Door hinge configuration

    IMO a hollow, pressed internal door is clever a clever use of technology and materials to save time, money and timber, albeit pretty fugly in many cases. MDF door frames are just wrong, especially on apartment doors which will need additional locks fitting after the'yre hung and the place is...
  19. S

    New Door hinge configuration

    I wouldn't be surprised if the move to top hinges close together is related to the increasing incidence of MDF door linings, which I often find with stripped out holes due to heavy doors, over-piloted holes, and MDF's poor ability to hold a screw (I think workers drill an oversized pilot hole as...
  20. S

    door hinges; mortised or not?

    I've never seen this done on full size doors, and I agree that it is a botch. As others have stated the recess for the hinge supports the weight of the door, so that the screws are under tension along their length when the door is open, and most of the weight of the door (when closed) is acting...