I have the sw 62 low angle jack don't like the thick a2 blade horrible to sharpen don't like the norris style adjuster has very limited range of lateral adjustnent not one of my better purchases
The simon james ones are supposed to be good they're £49 from workshop heaven
If I was offered it for free certainly looks worthy of a 2nd life if its anything like build quality of their old drills I have a 50s one i was given that got stripped rewired greased and is real workhorse I use it clamped lin a jig as polishing rig
Stunning work as usual Adam wish i could have a few lessons with you sure I'd learn a lot at moment I'm comfortable making things round and that's about it
Shaker style wall clock first project at New workbench used as a training exercise housing joints stub tenons grooves floating panel all done with a chisel stanley 71 record 4/12 and 044 and a handsaw did use a holesaw for clock insert
I'm mainly hand tool work but building my new workbench created probably 3 bin liners of shavings and detritus and lots of offcuts i have a woodbuner and get rid of it on that what do other woodworkers do with all there waste
Workbench update now oiled added a home made toothed plane stop made from a an old piece of sawplate and a 2x2 piece of yew also added a shelf for my sharpening kit