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  1. Tris

    Mystery lazy riveter

    If it is brass does that mean it was designed to be used where there might be explosion risk?
  2. Tris

    Design ideas wanted - soup bowl tilter

    Angled wooden block with a curved lip, or use a router to shape a suitable holder in the block. Bob beat me to it
  3. Tris

    Chainsaw Guidance

    Yes, neighbour bought one last year and reckons it's very good. Removes metal pretty quickly from what I can see so only needs a couple of seconds on the stone. Teeth are totally different from a normal chain. Couple of people on arbtalk have them for ground level work and farm hedge trees as...
  4. Tris

    Please help find a right pillar drill/ drill press/ drill stand for me

    You can get 600mm auger bits in a set from Toolstation for about £20, probably not the best quality. If you aren't doing many lamps a set of these and an old hand brace will do the job cheaply. From drilling these on a lathe I think a shell auger bit will stay straighter in end grain but they...
  5. Tris

    How do I make this spring-clip thingy?
  6. Tris

    How do I make this spring-clip thingy? Might be worth an email to these people
  7. Tris

    Bandsaw Motor - cautionary tale !

    Maybe a daft question but is TEC a brand or type?
  8. Tris

    Joke Thread II

    People wandering about, mumbling, and pointing at things that don't exist..... Sounds like Worcester on any Saturday night
  9. Tris

    Off my nut

    If you are taking metronidazole don't stray too far from a toilet. The effects can last a couple of weeks after you stop taking them. Live yoghurt and vitamin c may help.
  10. Tris

    Rope Warming

    Would a fermentation heater do the job? There are others but the 7 year old in me couldn't resist the website name
  11. Tris


    Good point. A plug cut from scrap wood, trimmed to cutter internal length less 11mm, hot melt glued into the cutter might do the trick
  12. Tris

    Shed roof

    If you have a bit of leeway on time then keep an eye on Freecycle/trashnothing websites. After the recent weather there have been a few sheds for spares on our local one, a bit of creativity and a roll of felt and you should have something that'll do the job if only temporarily
  13. Tris


    Plug cutter over each screw to free the board then mole grips to spin the plug and screw?
  14. Tris

    Cremone/ espagnolette etc Any good?
  15. Tris

    Dovetail jig

    I haven't use one of these for years but it sounds like your guide bush might be too big, measure the difference between tail and socket, halve it and decrease the guide or bearing by that amount. I found it took a bit of trial and error on scrap before I could get a fair result so I don't use...
  16. Tris

    Bun Feet

    150mm in one bun is going to look a bit odd imho, how about an inverted cottage loaf? Shouldn't have skipped lunch today
  17. Tris

    Joke Thread II

    My old man was known as 'Spider', not because he was agile, he always needed helping out of the bath
  18. Tris

    Lathe sale

    And I though Featherstonehaugh was tough to pronounce right!
  19. Tris

    Jacobs Chuck Arbour

    In the same situation I bought an adapter sleeve from Axminster, there's a couple on their eBay shop atm for about £13. Adds about 20mm to the projection but does the job
  20. Tris

    Fitting a ceiling light.

    Conduit used as neutral for all flats? Just an uneducated guess tho