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  1. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    But there is no need to do it by trial and error if you draw a second line. Why would you want to do it by trial and error if you don't have too. All you need is a straight edge and a square and an object to mark units.
  2. J

    The scams are getting really sophisticated now.

    Somethings do come easy and free. The problem is knowing which are genuine and which are scams. Do you turn down the free and easy because it could be a scam. The men with the carpet could have just had too much carpet and did not want to take it back to the supplier. It is not very helpful...
  3. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Draw a line at an angle to the line to the line you want you want to divide. Mark that line with units. Say three. Draw a from the end of the first line to the last unit mark. Set up a square on that line with a straight edge on the other face, Slide the square down the straight edge until...
  4. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Yes Euclid and Pythagoras defined parts of mathematics in the branch called geometry. More is being defined as time progresses. I would not be surprised in new branches are added in the future. This is the same way dinosaurs where defined but did exist before then. We will discover more groups...
  5. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Maths is everywhere.
  6. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    And master craftsmen were using a branch of mathematics which had not been defined just like the dinosaur bones.
  7. J

    The scams are getting really sophisticated now.

    Some one related this to me at work a few years ago. Someone knocks on the door. "Hi we were fitting carpet down the road and have a large off cut. we don't want to drive back to the yard would you like to buy it off us for £50. " This was a while ago when £50 was worth more. They try a few...
  8. J

    The scams are getting really sophisticated now.

    Everybody is receptive to cons at some point. Its just a matter of when the *******s catch you off guard.
  9. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    You contend that mathematics did not exist before 1700 I asked you about Dinosaurs If you think that maths did not exist before it was described then what do you think about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are a largely extinct branch of four legged animals. People found dinosaur bones before 1700 but...
  10. J

    The scams are getting really sophisticated now.

    It is easy to blame the victim. Everybody can be conned.
  11. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Do you think there were dinosaurs before 1700.
  12. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Dinosaurs were real creatures. They were only described in about the last two hundred years. Does that mean that there were no dinosaurs in existence before 1700.
  13. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Yes you are. Geometry is a a branch of Mathematics. That is the accepted definition. From Merriam Webster geometry noun...
  14. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels? mathematics functioning as singular) a group of related sciences, including algebra, geometry, and calculus, concerned with the study of number, quantity, shape, and space and their interrelationships by using a specialized notation
  15. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Not really unless you are going to make your own definitions.
  16. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    No. From Britannica. Among the principal branches of mathematics are algebra, analysis, arithmetic, combinatorics, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, game theory, number theory, numerical analysis, optimization, probability, set theory, statistics, topology, and trigonometry.
  17. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    Geometry is a branch of maths.
  18. J

    The maths behind cutting these bevels?

    There are graphical methods of calculating the loads in trusses. Is this maths.
  19. J

    The scams are getting really sophisticated now.

    The number of spam emails and texts seems to go up after I have applied for a lot of jobs in the past. People sell email address and phone numbers either personally or as part of the companies business policy.
  20. J

    Your Favourite Tape Measure(s)

    I have a 30m Fisco plus various hand tapes from work.