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  1. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    Some very good points in the last few comments- thanks Sideways. Interesting to see the old documentation, almost as old as me lol. Good discussion, just hope we don’t have to do it again anytime soon because someone’s had an accident. And I really do hope it’s not involving Milescraft...
  2. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    I take your point Richard, but I don’t regret starting the thread. We all know it’s a battle we can’t win against YouTube bad practice and manufacturers pushing dangerous products. This will only get worse until we end up like the states where there are 10 amputations of fingers and bits of...
  3. C

    Wet, Wet, Wet

    I really do sympathise re your workshop, I had mine flooded once. It’s soul destroying. But, heyho it’ll be hosepipe bans soon. Ian
  4. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    I hadn’t realised he was a member, I am interested to hear what he will say. Ian
  5. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    @naughtymoose I think it a little unfair to pillory Peter Sefton for advertising an item that doesn't comply with standards set out in the HASAW Act. Sorry but I think you’re missing the point, it’s not whether it complies or not, it’s the fact that what he is promoting is downright dangerous...
  6. C

    Bowyers flote

    Don’t buy Milescraft "safety" kit, it’s dangerous in my opinion. I think I would use an old bandsaw blade cut into pieces, the block of wood a little thicker than shown would need angled cuts cut into the surface then epoxy the blades in teeth first. Presumably sharpened first. There are two...
  7. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    Hennebury, "The screenshot above of the Milescraft pushstick,, proves the very point that ignorance and safety devices wont keep anyone safe! " Mostly I would agree we have too much legislation, but this is a dangerous con. I wonder if Trading Standards would do anything? To describe this as a...
  8. C

    Workbench Restoration

    Don’t buy Milescraft …safety …kit it’s dangerous! Unloved and underused? Perhaps it’s always been the wrong bench, looks like you’ve had the trial separation, time for a divorce?
  9. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    As was said the preponderance of online stuff comes from over there and there is damn all we can do to influence it so hobbyists here are going to suffer. One small step would be to have that advert removed, haven’t heard from the mods yet on this, but there’s probably nothing to be done as the...
  10. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    I suppose it depends on the size of the machine to some extent, my instructor back in the 70s said your hands should never cross the front edge of the table whilst the saw is spinning , I have stuck to that instruction ever since and have never had a scary moment on a table saw. Obviously on...
  11. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    Yes that was an appalling thing to happen.
  12. C

    Bench vise orientation

    Across the grain and It’s on a bench hook, with the grain and it’s held down by my knee on an 18” High Sawhorse. The name is a bit of a giveaway. I know some people stand the wood up in the vice but it looks difficult and awkward to me.
  13. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    I know this topic has been done to death already but we don’t need members having life altering injuries because they bought these inherently dangerous push blocks and misnamed push sticks. They bring your hand too close to the blade or cutter. Please don’t buy them!
  14. C

    Standard, or radial arm pillar drill

    That’s not a knife! Couldn’t resist sorry.
  15. C

    Standard, or radial arm pillar drill

    Literally just got my Radial home a couple of days ago, I wasn’t particularly looking for a Radial but this came up on Marketplace, about 50 years old and looks almost brand new. £85. Haven’t had chance to try it much so I’m sorry I can’t answer your question if You are looking s/h and one comes...
  16. C

    Ray Iles Inshave

    I visit Horncastle fairly often to see my sister but never noticed a tool emporium (in amongst all the antique shops) I’ve really been missing out!!
  17. C

    Ray Iles Inshave

    Yes I have some chisels, they are excellent. But I hadn’t realised he was just round the corner from me. Shall look into visiting next time I want something, maybe a scorp I really like the look of those. Ian
  18. C

    Burnishing brush

    I think I must be misunderstanding what you are trying to do, I always use steel to burnish with, usually on the lathe, can’t imagine how a brush could impart any pressure, as I said I think we are at cross purposes lol. Blocking off the pores on end grain, never tried I’m afraid but suggest...
  19. C

    Drawers - how do you rabbet yours?

    I was taught to call them lap joints, quite right about rebate/ rabbet. Dado grrrrrr. The proportions, well the lap isn’t just cosmetic to cover the end grain it helps with the strength as well. So certainly a lot less than half the thickness on the wood but not so thin that it losses it’s...