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  1. J

    Can I change a 250 whet for 200 diamond?

    There was a recent(ish) thread titled "sharpening" if you scroll through to about post #161, you'll find the advice I was given. I'd post a link, but I can't work out how to do that from this phone...
  2. J

    US Election November 5th
  3. J

    US Election November 5th

    I would have thought any trade deals would be made on the basis of what was best for the USA, not according to some petty spite, but I'm forgetting, it's Trump we're talking about, a spoilt brat.
  4. J

    US Election November 5th

    Gosh! You've really got a bee in your bonnet about this gender thing!
  5. J

    US Election November 5th
  6. J

    Can I change a 250 whet for 200 diamond?

    CBN and diamond are not the same thing, as I found out the hard way, courtesy of Ali Express, who put CBN in the headline description, but diamond in the small print. Which do you actually have?
  7. J

    Keir Starmer

    What do you believe the UK gives them?
  8. J

    Joke Thread 5

    You could substitute the B word and it would be equally true.
  9. J

    Cladding carport/garage.

    I was planning on using stainless nails. I did when I clad my shed, and I never got round to selling the gas nailer!
  10. J

    Cladding carport/garage.

    No problem. We may add double doors at a later stage, but we can't really leave the back and sides open, as that would leave our garden/paddock open to the street.
  11. J

    Cladding carport/garage.

    We're hoping to have an oak framed double carport/garage installed soon. Just the structure, I'll clad it myself in waney edge larch or DF, and possibly slate the roof as well, if I feel up to it. We have absolutely no intention of ever insulating this structure, and personally, I can't see any...
  12. J

    Securing brace on a ledge and brace door

    If the boards are tongue and groove, then I think you have to allow for expansion and contraction, so one nail or screw per board helps with this. But I'm not an expert, when I made my shed doors I watched a few videos to get the idea. They're still looking pretty good after 3 years.
  13. J

    Securing brace on a ledge and brace door

    I guess you could call the "notches" a birdsmouth joint. I'd still want a screw/nail or two though.
  14. J

    Securing brace on a ledge and brace door

    I've made three. I did much the same thing - only one screw per board from the brace, and in line with the single screw per board from the ledges. On the Siberian larch shed doors I cut notches in the ledges for the braces, but I didn't bother in the cedar gate I made.
  15. J

    Advice on running electrics to shed

    I would've thought another factor is just that when the lead is uncoiled, it is likely exposed to the air, and the heat is easily dispersed, whereas if you coil it up the heat is concentrated.
  16. J

    Keir Starmer

    I beg your pardon, I mistakenly thought you were talking America versus the UK. I retract my remark.
  17. J

    How to seal the metal shed to the base

    Excuse me for not taking the time to do a proper drawing, but I'm tired. You need to lift the shed and have some waterproof membrane where I've marked in red. You have to have overlap by design. Anything else will fail. IMO.
  18. J

    A recommendation for conspiracists/people who understand things the rest of us don't

    Because we live in a world where white males have been dominant in many spheres for a long time, and sometimes a gentle push is helpful to try and straighten things up.
  19. J

    Keir Starmer

    I used to do some software work in the amusement industry. I confess to writing code for fruit machines of the pub variety, which were low stake, high percentage payout devices, but I pulled out when my client moved into the betting shop end of the market. I wouldn't touch any of it these days.
  20. J

    Bandsaw question, what does this gauge represent?

    I could be wrong, but certainly on my little Inca, the gauge is an indicator of how much the spring is compressed, which I would've thought was independent of the blade length (within reason). In any event, I've never really taken a lot of notice of it, preferring to twang the blade, even...