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  1. Noel

    road cycling

    I've a feeling you are not much of a sports fan, of any sport... Anyway, you seriously think the London marathon could be held at ex Olympic venues or at B Hatch or Silverstone? How would that work? Any idea? Clues: B Hatch GP circuit is less than 3 miles, Silverstone GP circuit is, what, under...
  2. Noel

    road cycling

    I agree with all MikeG and others have said. Should the London Marathon and similar events be moved to a circuit like Silverstone or B Hatch? I think you'll find few agreeing with you. Get out to a big race some time and you'll experience the excitement and buzz, something well worth doing. Was...
  3. Noel

    Name that tree

    Yep, as mentioned will get one. Have to sneak across a wet field in me wellies...
  4. Noel

    Compressor hose HELP

    Assuming what you got on the compressor and the curly wurly hose is 3/8th BSP (unlikely 1/2 BSP but might be as spec does not say) and the new hose is 1/4 BSP. You can get adapters but far easier to standardise everything so get new connectors to suit or take the ones off the curly hose. If you...
  5. Noel

    Name that tree

    Thanks Tris, will get a picture maybe later today. Leaf from the web of Lombardy Poplar: Hey Sam, yes, those are the first ones I thought of but no, the leaves I got were from a Poplar across a field near me, a guy planted them 7/8 years ago (along with the usual awful Conifers) to provide...
  6. Noel

    Name that tree

    Thanks for all the replies. This is from a Poplar tree locally (not sure what type but will take a photo soon as, usual tall skinny type), looks similar:
  7. Noel

    Options for rotten top rail of field gate

    If bolts are awkward, cut through with a hacksaw/recip saw etc and cut each end of the rotten rail. Cut mortice in each stile and attach new rail with hardwood lose/floating tenons and glue and replace bolts with new galvanised/painted ones. If needed use metal plate to strengthen new joints/
  8. Noel

    Name that tree

    Looks similar as well TV. I know Downy and Silver grow here although that's the only types of Birch that do I think.
  9. Noel

    Name that tree

    Certainly looks similar, shape wise. Other pics from the garden:
  10. Noel

    Name that tree

    Here Chas, which is about 100m from the sea (to the right): A friend was there today but unsure where in the property the tree was but looks like there could be a Black Poplar in there.
  11. Noel

    Name that tree

    Could be on to something there MC, although more of a matt finish : ) compared to this image of Black Popular:
  12. Noel

    Name that tree

    I thought it may have be Beech Ben but can't really find anything that looks similar on the net. No Beech around my area. You may well be right. Dave, at times I wish it was an ejector seat button.............
  13. Noel

    recommendations for a printer

    The 6Ls were great little printers. Had one for 6/7 years before the drum went (or similar). As it happens then saw the 50 quid Samsung in Curries and got it. Lasted about 3 years, suspect I over worked it but was good honest printer and good quality too. After it went was driving up the road on...
  14. Noel

    Name that tree

    Not much of a tree I'm afraid but can anybody ID these leaves/twig? TIA
  15. Noel

    GOT and other TV series

    No 2 should be No 1. No Homeland or did I miss it? Some good titles in the list to explore: ... st-century I'm not sure this BTL contributor quite got the title of the article...
  16. Noel

    Can you identify this fitting?

    Sometimes called "Grabber" catches I think. Going by your picture your's seems to be manually operated rather than the spring/off centre type I've seen in plastic versions?
  17. Noel

    GOT and other TV series

    ^^^Would agree, superb TV. Just caught up with T Dectective 3, more like S1 (although enjoyed 2) , well worth watching. And watched Ep 1 of The Capture, not bad although a little twee at times. PTSD or set up? And lastly The Darkness (BBC4) didn't seem too bad, so far.
  18. Noel

    Ceramic frying pan

    Chris, what's the advantage/s of a ceramic pan as opposed to CI or Alu? Oven? Or how it cooks/heat etc?
  19. Noel

    Ad stopper in Youtube!!!!!!!

    Same as ITV, C4, C5 etc. Product awareness, the fact that a particular ad/product gets on your nerves is successful advertising.
  20. Noel

    Ad stopper in Youtube!!!!!!!

    Indeed, Sampson gets by with donations, Patreon, Amazon wish list and tools sent directly although he is restoring and repairing Tally-Ho rather than creating a replica. The man would be shocked to hear anybody say he was building a replica.