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  1. RobNichols

    Where to get plans for general woodwork projects?

    Some of the American sites dimension their plans in metric. For example Workshop Companion
  2. RobNichols

    Hello from Bratislava

    We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Bratislava a couple of years ago. Lovely place. Welcome Skottex
  3. RobNichols

    Any riveting tips?

    Best to use a rivet setter and die. Something like this. It's been a long time since my apprenticeship when we did a lot of riveting. This looks like a reasonaly guide to the process.
  4. RobNichols

    Essential first aid items.

    Excellent advice. The only things to add I think are: don't wrap clingfilm around a burned limb. If the limb starts swelling the clingfilm will tighten constricting the limb causing problems. Instead cut strips of clingfilm to cover the burn. The clingfilm is to prevent infection - so it just...
  5. RobNichols

    Buying a workbench

    I found The Anarchist's Workbench a useful read when I was building my bench. Though I like the way Chris Swartz writes. Not only did it give me food for thought regarding workbenches, but it also got me into reading woodwork books.
  6. RobNichols

    Electric Planer Vs Planer

    I have to say I think this over and above anything else is why learning to do things by hand is so important. With a machine you are somewhat abstracted from the wood. You don't feel it the same way you do with hand tools. If you want to learn how wood behaves and how to work with that...
  7. RobNichols

    Small wooden plane shop made

    Splendid job :)
  8. RobNichols

    Small wooden plane shop made

    Really nice job. I wonder if the measure of a blade is as much how long it maintains an edge as how sharp you can get it. So how well does the blade maintain the edge?
  9. RobNichols

    Small Electric File

    Model makers use pen sanders. Is that what you are looking for?
  10. RobNichols

    Wood Workers Workshop Tool Show – Saturday 10th June

    Thanks Peter. I enjoyed my visit and only spent a lot more than I intended :)
  11. RobNichols

    Great cabinet makers of the 21st century

    Great thread. So many inspirational designs.
  12. RobNichols

    Stanley Cap Iron Screw Thread

    Brilliant Vann. Thank you.
  13. RobNichols

    Stanley Cap Iron Screw Thread

    Sorry - should have googled first - plenty of information out there. Looks like 5/16-18 Whitworth was what I need. Looks like I should get myself a set of Whitworth taps and dies. If nothing else that will give me a good set of screws to test against.
  14. RobNichols

    Stanley Cap Iron Screw Thread

    What thread does a Stanley Cap Iron Screw have? I wonder about getting a couple made up. I tried buying a couple of new one (Clifton and Quangsheng), but the screws are wider (larger dia) than the older Stanley ones.
  15. RobNichols

    WDS Moxon vice hardware

    I've been using my Moxon vice a bit now, and I'm really pleased with it. It hasn't stopped me making the odd very obvious stupid mistake. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ However, in spite of that I'm really pleased with it. After the first couple of uses I realised I need to open out the slots in the...
  16. RobNichols

    Goodbye and thank you!

    That's sad news. I hope your other challenges work out well for you.
  17. RobNichols

    Small mobile workbench

    I guess something like Sjobergs Smart Vice might suit. Probably something you could use as the basis for a home built solution. Nice little project. Not much to it - a small bench area with a clamp attached.
  18. RobNichols

    WDS Moxon vice hardware

    GTL Planes - Pleasingly unusual IMO
  19. RobNichols

    WDS Moxon vice hardware

    @isaac3d2 That looks like a very nice Moxon Vice
  20. RobNichols

    WDS Moxon vice hardware

    @Orraloon That reminds me of a set up that Jay Bates made in the past, but I think yours looks better. I like the way you've used slots. That's a really flexible solution.