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  1. A

    Cop 29

    You mean the guy with 12? kids, who runs a rocket company and also sells luxury EV cars, now including the Cybertruck which is massively un-green, who also actively campaigned to prevent hi-speed rail in California with a promise of some nonsense so he could sell more cars?
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    Slow Speed Bench Grinders in the UK

    no idea why it is that way but I haven't heard of loads of problems with accidents etc. I don't recall ever having anything grab on a bench grinder. That's not to say it doesn't happen but I personally have never had it happen (touch wood and all that). The wet/dry grinder I have (like the one...
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    Slow Speed Bench Grinders in the UK

    If you want cheap and cheerful I have a SIP version that looks pretty similar. If you look in the reviews you'll see someone has made a jig and seems happy with the results. I've used mine many times to...
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    US Election November 5th

    "if you keep one eye on the past, you are blind in one eye but if you forget the past, you are blind in both of your eyes."
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    US Election November 5th

    What are your thoughts on the previous Trump administration that saw numerous members of his family given high profile jobs. Something that looks likely to happen again, along with random 'celebrities'.
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    US Election November 5th

    I'm not really sure what you mean. She had several high profile jobs and became VP to the POTUS. I'd say that was pretty successful. In contrast, Donald Trump was given $100million from his Dad. He then managed to bankrupt 6 businesses...
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    US Election November 5th

    ah the reason for disliking her. A perceived leg up due to her skin colour/ethnicity. Have you actually looked at her resume? She wasn't working in McDonalds before she became VP. She has had a long career in high pressure jobs.
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    US Election November 5th

    When you don't have the wits to defend your talking points, resort to outright insults I guess.
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    US Election November 5th

    ah so you know everything there is to know about the disgusting democrats behaviour (yet can't give examples) but when it comes to the person you think should be in charge you somehow managed to miss...
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    US Election November 5th

    I personally don't wish well on convicted sexual predators and prolific liars, but you do you
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    US Election November 5th

    Of course the flip side to this is that this isn't some race where you win and you get a nice trophy and go home. He now has to do a job for the next 4 years. He was looking pretty tired doing the campaigning, I don't believe he actually wants to do the job and I can't imagine that it is...
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    US Election November 5th

    I'm happy to debate the pro's and con's of both sides. There have been numerous examples and lists of why Trump is an awful person and should never be allowed in power. The only thing I've learnt on the contrary is that Trump will be good because Kamala is bad or words to that effect. As for...
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    US Election November 5th

    I find it somewhat odd that you would dare call us all bigots for pointing out the things that Trump has both said and done. Myself and others have listed numerous factually correct examples to explain our positions. I've asked you numerous times to provide examples to the contrary and to...
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    US Election November 5th

    A. There is no need to call people morons B. Seeing as very few pollsters or political pudits were able to call it either way beforehand then I'm not sure how you expected the 'left' to know what the result would be.
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    US Election November 5th

    I'm confused as although he is currently winning there are still enough places for Kamala to Win. How likely that is is up for debate but how can the BBC say its over before the final results??? If by some miracle Kamala wins those states then there will be chaos.
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    US Election November 5th

    Well if it's Trump then that At the end of the day most of the things we do and say have very little effect on the outcome. You could say the same about TV shows for example, there are pretty much no stories that haven't been written but we still watch and talk about them.
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    US Election November 5th

    I would normally agree with you, except in Trumps case he has made more personal attacks on people's appearances and general existence than I've had hot dinners. The most recent of course questioning whether Kamala Harris is indeed black. So he has forfeited any right to not be mocked in return.
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    US Election November 5th

    To be fair this is the closest answer I've seen to what is wrong with Harris' policies. But even then it is still extremely vague. her position on the border, - What is that position? The Dems brought forward a bi-partisan border bill, which was quashed by Trump as it would mean he couldn't...
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    US Election November 5th

    I've put lists of things that Trump has said he will do (from his own mouth). Please can you state the things that Kamala has said/policies that scare you so much. I have yet to see even the most basic of lists or even one policy that is so scary from the democrats.
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    US Election November 5th

    Really? Surely Liz Truss was more unpopular. Where are you getting your assertion from? For the record I have no love of Starmer and I didn't vote for him. He will probably make some mistakes but most likely overall it won't be significantly better or worse than a Tory. Hopefully he will make...