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  1. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    There was a post mentioning harrison. Oddly, the magazine article that inspired me to build this clock (the woodworker, April 2005) mentioned this. I have scaned the article and place a link to it here. It may take a while to download as it is about 10mb. I will post the link in my next post. I...
  2. S

    Gluing End Grain

    All very good valid. points. I guess i will just have to have a go and see what comes out.
  3. S

    Gluing End Grain

    Hi, to be honest I have no idea how much force there will be going through the teeth. Probably not that much, I was just trying to avoid disaster. I think that may be what I will do is cust a sample gear and see if i can test its strength som how.
  4. S

    Gluing End Grain

    The only consideration that I have to think about on this is that the gears are only going to be between 6mm and 10mm thick.
  5. S

    Gluing End Grain

    OK, I dont think i explained myself very clearly in my first post, so i have put together a couple of images depicting what I am trying to explain. Bascially, what I am trying to avoid is a cross grain situation on the very small teeth. In the following image you can see that I make 1 gear...
  6. S

    Gluing End Grain

    Hi All Just a quick post to find out if anyone has any tips for Gluing End grain. I know that this is not and ideal situation, but i feel that this would make the gears a little stronger for my All wood skeleton project. I fgire that if i make the gears out of 4 pieces each with the grain...
  7. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    I have thought about that. I think that I will use a router trammel to get the outside dimension of the gears and then cut the teeth on the scroll saw. I have a great pdf of a router trammel it you want it, let me know and i will post a link to it. :D
  8. S

    Wood clock first pics!

    Love your work. I see that you say that a clock may not be a good idea as the first scroll saw project. OOOPS. Just started my All wood skeleton project. Any suggestions, to make the job go a little smoother? :shock:
  9. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    Thanks for all of the great comments so far. Really happy. The scroll Saw that i ordered arrived and I am really happy with it. I have yet to have a go, which will then tell me if it was worth my while buying it. If anyone has any newbie scroll saw tips that would be great. I have had a quick...
  10. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    Right then, onto the build. I think that i have everything that i need. Scroll Saw - Should be delivered today. So Check Plans. Oh so many plans, Check Stock Pile of wood that I can mill to the required sizes. Check If you have any words of encouragement then feel free to leave me a comment. I...
  11. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    OK. I have read throgh the plans and i think that I can make this work. They are a little confusing, as there appears to be about 50 gears to cut out by hand with a coping saw. Blimey i thought to myself. I may have to rethink this. Gears with 60 teeth all by hand. Erm No. Time to tap up the...
  12. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    Thanks for the update. I thought i had done somthing wrong.
  13. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    OK, So the picture above is going to be my next project. the clock is Designed by David Bryant and is made entirley of wood. Wood? I hear you say. Well yes. I have to cut all of the gears by hand and manufacture all of the dials and, well, everything from wood. On this page you will be able to...
  14. S

    All Wood Skeleton Clock Build - WIP

    Hi All, Love the site. I am just embarking on a new project. I have spent the last few years making pens and smaller items for friends family and customers, but i figured that it was time to test some new skills. I have had the plans for the David Bryant All Wood Skeleton Clock for about 4...