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  1. J

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Finally finished the crib - just in time as my wife is ready to pop! American cherry for framework and mix of cherry and beech for bars. Can be adjusted to 2 positions and in the top position it can support my body weight so I’m sure it’ll be sturdy enough. Joinery: Bars attached with...
  2. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    Update: The bed frame couplings were very poor quality, the hooks were just tac welded in place so when you couple the joint the hook bends outwards. I have turned some 15mm cherry dowels and will use them for alignment and provide support vertically (so I’m not just relying on the sheer...
  3. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    I thought the bottom must be in one piece rather than loose slats. I’m considering doing the base of mine out of plywood and then facing the cut edge in some leftover cherry.
  4. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    Beautiful crib! I can see for the base you’ve gone for slats, and halfway up a threaded insert for the higher slat position. Did you just have a removable rail for the top position for the slats to sit on?
  5. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    I’ve ordered the round profile bed rail bracket and I’ll see how well it works. thinking I might need to add some bracing on the bottom apron running perpendicular to the long side to prevent racking but I’ll see how stable it is once it’s all built up. If I do need the bracing the sex bolts I...
  6. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    I’ve found a couple of recessed ones available in the UK
  7. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    The rebated one looks interesting as it would hide all the joinery. would this afford a tight fit by itself or does it need some other hardware to keep it put?
  8. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    I thought about this but you’d see the hardware inside the crib and the outer side so not the most attractive option
  9. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    Yeah brass slotted I think would look nice if there not any other way to attach. I’m a bit reluctant about anything with caps incase they come loose what with it being for a baby.
  10. J

    Decorative screw ideas

    Hi, I’m planning to attach the front and back of my crib to the sides so it can be taken down for storage. Hopefully you can see the front / back pieces are M&T jointed to the 2x2 leg, and the sides are a complete unit that will connect onto the leg. I was thinking of using a floating tenon...
  11. J

    Safe woodstain

    I had a similar question for a crib I’m building and I’ve been trying to read up on finishes for this purpose. One take from a book I was reading suggests that all finishes are food/toy/baby safe once cured. Which opens a lot of doors for you. If you’re playing it really safe from my reading...
  12. J

    Cherry and beech finish

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has some ideas on wood finish for the crib. Framework - American cherry, bars - mix of cherry and English beech Attached mid progress pic to give idea of colours. And the sanding sealer on some off cuts I was thinking about using shellac based sanding sealer and...
  13. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Fits perfectly cheers! Just for the others who got them 3D printed be gentle tightening it up, I’m always too heavy handed and you can see the stress mark at the front… oops!
  14. J

    Best wood filler for larger knots

    Thanks for the replies. I’ve sorted though my offcut pile and I think there’s just about enough spare pieces of cherry to do some contrasting bars out of that to complement the beech (framework is cherry) I’ve gone off the idea of filing these knots now, I don’t think it’ll give me the look I...
  15. J

    Best wood filler for larger knots

    Thanks, Just to clarify - a two part epoxy like araldite (or own brand equivalent)? And any finishes I should avoid if I use this?
  16. J

    Best wood filler for larger knots

    Thanks, any products you’d recommend? I’ve not worked much with epoxy, only Milliput which I’m not sure will get into all the gaps in the knot. Would this work - with a black pigment added? Thanks
  17. J

    Best wood filler for larger knots

    Better picture (was at work when I sent the original and only had what was on my phone)
  18. J

    Best wood filler for larger knots

    I’ve been rough sawing a load of beech for the bars of the crib I’m making, a few have these large knots: some have a semi-loose part in the middle and others that are gouged out. (Sorry for bad description) I intend to thickness plane the bars but I don’t think it’ll be enough to remove the...
  19. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    In the file (I wouldn’t know how to open it) how is the post attached? Do you add a nut to the underside like the stock one or is the thread 3D printed? It’s a really kind offer, thanks. I have had another member message me about making a metal one, but I don’t want to put them out. If 3D...
  20. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    That looks pretty good, how do you go about getting one of these 3D printed designs actually printed if you don’t have a machine?